After work: the right habits to avoid putting on weight!


Dieting and having constant restrictions is difficult. Learn to have the right eating habits in your life, so that you don’t put on any weight. In the morning you must eat like a king. At noon like a prince and at night like a beggar.

You go home after work, take a bath and sit down to relax. At that time how hungry are you and how are you going to solve this problem?

At the very moment when temptations will find you weak, at home, possibly on your couch, you have to say no!

There are 3 ways that you may have thought of them, but you must follow them.

1. No matter how hungry you are, don’t start on croissants, sweets, breads, pies, or chips. You’re waiting for dinner time to come. It is advisable that this time is 2.3 hours before bedtime. And what are you going to do for those two and a half hours after dinner? Carefully try not to eat anything, neither in the rush there in front of the fridge, nor casually watching TV. If you want to have something in your mouth to munch on, make a tea, drink a juice or make sure that instead of your dinner being a regular portion of food, it’s in the form of a snack and snack.

2. What can this snack be? Find light foods with no sauce, no special spices and not too much oil. Think for example. and make a salad with vegetables and fruit pieces or wholemeal pies with turkey.
If you really want chips, substitute them with salt-free, butter-free popcorn or chopped cucumbers and carrots.

3. You need to sleep more than 6.7 hours. Eight hours is ideal. The body is built to get energy through a good night’s sleep. Also look at it in its simple form, if you sleep, you don’t get tempted, you don’t get hungry and you don’t eat. A good way to get to sleep on time is to create a nice habit you always do before bedtime. A book, a relaxing movie, a conversation with a loved one, a cup of decaffeinated tea or warm milk… they’re definitely good ideas to help you sleep more soundly.


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