Georgiades – Federation of Hairdressers. The meeting was concluded


The meeting between Minister Adonis Georgiades and the representatives of hairdressers ended on a positive note.
In the presence of the President of the Central Union of Greek Chambers of Commerce, Yannis Hatzitheodosiou. As well as the President of GESEBEE Mr. George Kavvatas.

With Mr. A. Georgiades was discussed by a five-member committee representing the professional hairdressing sector.
The Committee shall be composed of the following members:
Sotiropoulou Maria, President of the Federation.
Dionysopoulos Ioannis , Treasurer of the Federation.
Matemtzis Dimitrios, General Secretary of the Federation
Cypraeus Agapios Federation curator and finally
Vassilios Politis member of the artistic team.

Distribution and marketing of professional hairdressing products

The atmosphere of the meeting was very positive as a promise was given on a major issue that has been of concern to the industry for years.
It is none other than the distribution and marketing of professional hairdressing products.

Mr Georgiades, with the consent of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, will pass legislation by which:
Professional products can only be purchased with an invoice and a business card.

An important helping hand in this negotiation was Mr Nikos Papathanasis. (Deputy Minister for Development and Investment).
This issue is a success for the industry after many years of effort by the federation.

New Covid measures

Despite being conciliatory on the other issues, Georgiades was adamant on the demands for new measures.
The request to remove the rapid test for unvaccinated persons entering the stores was not accepted.
The Minister proposed compliance for the common good of all. Covid cases have increased enormously and we must all contribute to their containment, with professional responsibility.

Outstanding issues

The VAT negotiation issue remained pending.
Mr Georgiades made it clear that this issue is not within his competence.
He then referred the professionals to Mr Staikouras to negotiate the issue.

Ms Sotiropoulou noted that today was a good start.
The struggle of the professional hairdressers will continue by demanding the rest of their demands.
So they will not leave issues such as: VAT, Documentary, Insurance and of course the Refundable Advances.


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