Monday, September 16, 2024

10 make-up artists you need to know

In every field that serves art, names that make history have passed, are passing, and will pass. So in the field of makeup there are certain artists who are considered the most influential personalities of our time. And not without reason, as they have enchanted us with their revolutionary techniques, the wonderful images they create, and their undeniable talent.

Like any self-respecting make-up artist, you have to know the people who define fashion, trends and social media. By studying their techniques, the tools they use and the way they work, you are able to be inspired and evolve continuously. After all, who could be a better teacher than the experts?

So let’s make a list of profiles of people with the most magical hands!

1. Gucci Westman

What you’ll see: if you love a classic romantic look, in the style of the girl next door, then you’ve found your man. After all, we are talking about the make-up artist of Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Anniston.

2. Mario Dedivanovic

Who it is: In short, the God of contouring . He is the Kardashians‘ make-up artist. Having gained over 6 million followers, it’s no coincidence that he is considered one of the most influential artists.

3. Pat McGrath

Or else: The mother of makeup. Unorthodox application methods, strong colour tensions, bold brushstrokes and anything else that might bring to mind a true pioneer.

4. Mary Greenwell

Who she is: A true veteran of the makeup world, with the faces of the world’s most famous women having passed through her hands. She has been the make-up artist for Princess Diana, as well as the lovely Cate Blanchett.

5. Matthew VanLeeuwen

What you will see: Everything around the red carpet! Some of the names on his client list include Debra Messing, Ellen Pompeo, Rebel Wilson, and Salma Hayek.

6. Kate Lee

Who she is: Kate Lee counts over ten years as a make-up artist for Chanel . Born in Yorkshire but based in Los Angeles, she does makeup for some of our most beloved stars, including Kristen Stewart and Emilia Clarke.

7. Pati Dubroff

What you will see: Pati Dubroff may do red carpet make-up for celebrities like Lily Collins and Margot Robbie, but you’ll very often find her doing make-up for films too. A multi-talented individual who can certainly teach you a lot!

8. Vincent Oquendo

Why Vincent: brushstroke by brushstroke, he has managed to earn his place among the favourites for the top of the list. Janelle Monae, Bella Hadid and Hailey Baldwin are some of the women we’ve enjoyed stunning looks from his brushes.

9. Mylah Morales

What to expect: Since we’re talking about the make-up artist who has almost single-handedly created the sensational looks for Rihanna’s shows, too many words are unnecessary. Fantastic ideas and techniques for darker skins.

10. Violet

Why Violette: To learn all about French elegance! Red lips, soft eyes and natural hair define her work as the epitome of elegance.


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