Dating!!!! It’s my first…

first date first

Dating!!!! Now what do we do?

Usually the first date with our future mate causes us great anxiety and impatience.

How you will look, how your hair will look, what shoes and clothes to wear! More specifically, how to make your image beautiful on that holy day!

Congratulations! You did it and you found the courage and said yes to date the one you’ve long desired.
I know all of this causes you incredible anxiety and you want it to succeed more than anything in the world! So you want to organize it as well as you dream.

So, to help you calm down, I have prepared some ideas that will help you on that long-awaited date.

It’s true that you don’t have to spend a fortune on a date that you don’t know if it will work out. However,
read below some of my ideas and you might find them useful.

Appointment agenda
Appointment agenda

Choose the right place for your appointment.

If you don’t know enough of your date’s activities, it’s a good idea to choose a neutral, low-pressure place and not too cosmopolitan so that you can focus on getting to know each other.
The relaxed environment serves as a convenient place for an exciting conversation.

Preparing for an exciting conversation.

It is also worth mentioning that women are attracted to dates that trigger conversation topics,
which show that men are intelligent and cultured.

Prepare some clever conversation topics so you don’t get overwhelmed by embarrassment! Thus this to you
help you understand your man at a deeper level.

Your confidence should be at its highest and all your senses should be on fire, so that you always shine and your date will be thrilled.

Preparing your outer appearance.

However, while you’ve prepared everything for your date, it’s time for what to wear and how to do your hair.

Dating, Couple, Couple
Dating, Couple, Couple

It’s a good idea to choose an easy set, in my opinion not a new one! Also to know that it’s beautiful on you and to feel comfortable and confident.

Don’t forget the shoes… A glove is always feminine and always chic.

The hair should be in the pen but not in excess!!!!
Make sure you don’t hesitate to consult your hairdresser in this particular case.

A beautifully groomed low ponytail or a slightly wavy look is perfect for you for this particular occasion.

You don’t have to forget that your makeup shouldn’t be heavy. Of course the lipstick should be permanent, just in case.

In conclusion, proper preparation is not a difficult task for your first date, as long as you are properly prepared…

Good luck….

With love
Elizabeth Makri.


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