Burnt hair? Don’t paint them black!

Don’t paint them black, you idiot!! You’ll make them like they were before!
Ω! Skies!
Ω! Gods of hair!

Something happened, something went wrong, something went wrong…and your hair is in bad shape?

First of all, don’t shut up!

You can’t make a yin and yang, as my grandmother says.

So let’s see how you can improve the health of your hair.

Certainly the whole process and the recovery period will not be short.

But I promise you that if you follow my instructions you will have different hair and the whole bad experience will be a bad memory.

So in my salon I meet many cases every day with damaged hair.

At first the first thing I have to do is to “listen” with all my senses to your words and your hair (believe me, I can see them screaming “help”).

I need a few seconds to organize my plan of action and execute it accurately.

The steps I take are:

  • To listen
  • To organize
  • To feel
  • To test
  • To speak honestly
  • To act
  • To improve-restore-repair
  • To give instructions
  • To repeat
My main weapon against damaged hair is the scissors of course.

If you are in the psychological state that you can handle a brave haircut then do it and solve the problem at once!

If you haven’t made up your mind, here’s what you do.

First step is to choose a trusted hairdresser and share your concerns.

Make a “reset” plan together and follow it religiously.

The ideal combination to restore your hair is:

-Deep cleaning



-Continuous nourishment at home

These four choices will become your routine.

Every 2 to 3 months you will repeat your visit to the salon for the first 3.

In the meantime you will be in contact with your hairdresser for the progress of your hair because you may need extra hydration or reconstruction depending on the depth of the “damage”.

At home, don’t forget to moisturise your hair and mask it with products specific to your situation (not products that are for your plate).

Also don’t forget the 14 rules for healthy hair!!!

Find them here: https://bit.ly/3tbl61o

I wish you good luck and don’t forget that I am here for any questions you need to solve!

You can call me or find me on SOCIAL.

Of course, it would be even better if you could come and we could do a personalized diagnosis for your hair!!!


Calliope Veniou



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