Boost the mood of your team, in the salon!!


We went through 1,2,3 quarantines, home restrictions, closing our salons, opening with bans, closing again and finally now we are open…
Along with the financial consequences that all this has had on our pockets, there has certainly been a psychological burden, which now is the right time to heal. How will this be done? But of course by boosting the mood of both our team and our employees. This is exactly what many salon owners abroad do. What am I talking about? Read the text and get ideas for more positive days, more meaningful bonding and therefore even better mood at work resulting in more customers!!!!

According to a survey of salons abroad, several salon owners have had fantastic ideas, which, although they started in the middle of the quarantine, are still going on now.

Some of them regularly arranged online yoga classes, or cycling, or walks and games in nature, both with their colleagues and with any clients they wished.

Not wanting to be left alone during quarantine, any of their team members tried to support each other with weekly zoom calls, quiz nights, group whats up chats, and lots of online games. This has now not only not stopped, but is now happening in person off the internet.
It is important that the connection between the people in your salon is not lost and certainly a relationship when it is not just professional can be much more comfortable and constructive. Always encourage open communication.

As a business owner, you need to be positive, imaginative and motivate teamwork among your partners and colleagues. If you took up a hobby, or found something that makes you happy, during the quarantine, make sure you don’t give it up now.

An idea given at one of the zooms held by a group of hairdressers in Manchester was to discuss as a group any positive or negative news. For example, when one of the hairdressers in a hairdressing salon in Manchester city centre gave birth to her first child, they had a virtual ‘baby shower’ party online, playing games and eating cake. A playful, funny, process that brought everyone in the group closer together and had nothing to do with hair. In fact, now that they are out of quarantine they made sure to repeat it on a more proper basis with a really nice party.

Social media challenges are a great way to increase the fun in your team. This can be either in something unrelated to hairdressing, or a challenge with names, e.g. , “play with a brush”, a “strangest haircut” challenge, or interactive games featuring hairdressers. If you know your group likes good food or drink, you can plan master chef nights with recipes and games either online or in person.

Another constructive but also enjoyable idea, in the right way, is to do evaluations of your team members, not so much by pointing out necessary improvements and mistakes, but by highlighting the positives and praising the strengths.


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