Making art in the Megaron!


The Avant Garde hairstyle is art and imagination without limits.
We’re not talking about hairstyles, we’re just talking about art ideas with hair as the basic material,
which for me are not just hairs, but a canvas on which I will give form.

In this picture the theme was opera and drama queen-model, soprano Smaragda Vangelis.
In this text, then, I will take you on a journey in my thinking towards the synthesis of this result.

Being a great fan of Avant Garde, for years I have been looking for inspiration and studying the artistic path of many houses that follow a more surreal approach, such as Schiaparelli, inspired by the images of Salvador Dali.
The unique outfit, a real work of art, a composition of Costume Designer Giorgos Segredakis, inspired by the same house, was what united his vision with mine and showed me the way to reach the image I created.

Inspiration from the art of Salvador Dali
Image source:

I broke every angle and every geometry.
I love the hard stuff and I’m bored with the easy stuff.
Indeed, I was looking for the different volume and structure that I would make for the first time.
So I tilted the base as if it was going to fall.
A circular cone, difficult to set up, without tweezers, with gold leaf tassels and strings tied around it like snakes.
Like a musical instrument that dances and tells a story of art through music.
My aim is to portray the dramatic figure of the opera queen.

The power of the surreal image!

Looking at the result, I am moved by the power that an image can have.
All the way from the primary stage of inspiration from various sources, then the trials and tribulations to that magical moment of creation when you don’t have a head in front of you but your own work of art. What you give form, character, image with your hands.

I did experiments, different constructions, to come up with what would tell the story behind the picture.
Many efforts in my atelier , but also in my imagination.
What I ended up with was not what I created.
The moment of creation, but also the images of the rest of the team, these will show you the final result.

Surrealist art has no logic, it has an imagination that runs away.
What is different is the challenge.
An Avant Garde show is a source of inspiration and a testimony of soul.
It’s a different way of thinking and our imagination leads us to create, always with collaboration and teamwork.

I love travelling, every show is a journey that you go on with or without company and carve a new path.
You are looking for new paths, choosing where to stay, what to do and what to enjoy.
In the end you keep the memory forever!

The sound, the venue of the Megaron, the beautiful girls and the unique outfits full of imagination by the artist, as well as the unique make-up and the spectacular hair, made the result speak to the heart of the viewer!


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