Diet by drinking coffee!


A little bit of the quarantine, a little bit of working from home, wearing sweatpants and pajamas and opening our fridge more often, I’m sure we haven’t realized our weight.
Try it on, does that floral dress you wore last summer, your tight short skirt or one of your trendy jeans work for you?

The temperatures have started to rise and summer is just around the corner. Put down the brioche, stop making cakes and don’t eat double portions of pasta or oily noodles just before you go to bed. Friends are there to help you…
And what I guess you always had next to you in the “hard times”? A cup or glass of coffee. Keep it up and you won’t lose. Coffee not only wakes you up and gives you energy… can also now help you lose those extra pounds. In what way??? Make some coffee and start reading!

1.No calories

Coffee beans as you know them have no calories. So if your choice of coffee is a black frappe or Greek, or French…we’re on the right track and drink without fear.
On the other hand, be careful because if your coffee is sweet, with cream, with milk and syrup with any vanilla, chocolate, caramel, etc… then its calories increase and can reach the calories of a normal meal!!!! That’s why when we say drink coffee, we don’t mean drink ten cups of coffee with hazelnut syrup, sugar and whipped cream. We mean what we say. Just drink coffee!

2. Burns fat, giving energy

Coffee can help increase oxidation or fat burning during exercise. What does this mean? This means that by drinking coffee, you delay the feeling of fatigue, helping your workout to be longer and more intense.

The effect of caffeine on athletic performance appears to be observed even when consumed in lower than average doses, i.e. in the range of 2-3 mg/kg body weight – which for a 70kg person can be translated into 1-2 cups of instant coffee. Therefore, 1 glass of cold frappe a few hours before exercise could help you both in the short term, by making your workout more efficient and thus burning more calories, and in the long term, by accelerating weight and fat loss.

3. Reduces hunger appetite

According to research conducted at Harokopio University, coffee can control and reduce your hunger, thus consuming fewer calories during the day. In particular, it was shown that overweight/obese and normal weight people who drank instant coffee with their morning meal were not as hungry as other people who simply accompanied their morning meal with water. And so at the end of the day the calories they took in were even 500 fewer.

Coffee does not make cellulite

To put things in perspective, yes, it has been said that coffee causes fluid retention. But according to the Institute of Medicine of the US National Academy of Sciences, this is not the case. “Caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, contribute to meeting daily fluid needs in a similar way to non-caffeinated beverages, as their water content is high (90-100%).” Also coffee does not cause cellulite, as it has zero caloric value and fat content. Cellulite is caused by a combination of various causes such as stress, constipation, hormonal fluctuations, poor diet, lack of exercise and heredity.

So what does it have to do with good coffee that even works against cellulite and obesity?

We said caffeine increases metabolism by increasing thermogenesis, so we can consume 2 and 3 cups of coffee a day, just without adding sugar. If this is not possible, please just limit it.


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