A holistic approach is the key!


When stress is intense or prolonged then it can cause emotional exhaustion and psychosomatic disorders such as migraines, sleep disorders, difficulty in concentrating, chronic fatigue, tachycardia, indigestion, depression, hypertension, obesity, hypercholesterolemia, etc.

Studies show that about 40% of all workers in America feel so stressed to the point of bordering on burnout and depression. In Western society, while we rightly take care of our bodies (diet, exercise, etc.), we do not give the care that is needed to calm our minds and especially to balance the mind with the body. It is scientifically proven that the mind and body are in a constant interaction. For example, when we are anxious about something then we get a stomach ache or on the contrary when we eat a nice meal then we feel pleasure.

That is why there is now a worldwide trend to move from the search for well-being to holistic well-being, which is a blend of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. It is a conscious choice of a lifestyle that rewards us with more well-being, positive energy and better health.

So just as we regularly exercise the muscles of our body in order to be in good physical condition, we need to regularly “exercise” our mind, making it our ally. Because our brains have neuroplasticity, which means they can be trained to think and react differently. So we “teach” him to be more receptive to positive thoughts and emotions and thus anxiety is reduced and we feel more joy and optimism in the present.

How do we regain our peace and joy?

A walk in the countryside or in nature, some walking, cooking, exercising, etc., are some ways in which we can balance the mind and body, as long as our mind is there “in the now” and not wandering with thousands of thoughts, most of which are usually negative.

Some practices that contribute to holistic well-being and offer deep relaxation, calmness and rejuvenation are sound massage, meditation, Tai Tchi, Yoga, prayer, etc.

A simple relaxation exercise that you can do every day is the following

Sit or lie comfortably in a quiet place and close your eyes. Take a few calm breaths and focus on your breathing. With each inhale say mentally “inhale” and with each exhale say “exhale”. Do this for 5 minutes and then slowly open your eyes, make sure you drink a glass of water or juice and see how you feel.


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