5 tips to be always beautiful!!!!


What is beauty after all? After a poll I conducted, the answers were many and varied. A sense of humour, a brightly painted face, nice teeth, big eyes, nice limbs with well-manicured nails, fleshy painted lips, confidence, nice style in terms of clothes and accessories, a fit body and of course healthy moving hair.

What do you think? Maybe if we do a combination of these, we can always be beautiful without the need for daily and long hours of effort?

Read 5 easy tips that will transform you into painted dolls!!!!

1.Make-up removal before bedtime.

No matter how tired you are, don’t allow yourself to go to bed with makeup, powder, concealer, lipstick, mascara, eyeshadow and whatever else you put on your face the morning before you went to work. No matter how long a day you’ve had, take a few minutes to wash your face, ideally with a good soap. In the easiest of cases , with a simple makeup remover wipe. These work too, especially if you get one with vitamins and oils, but they’re certainly not as effective as proper cleansing with water and a skin-specific soap. A nice, clean, skin and face, they will definitely come back to see it.

2. Use sunscreen

Do not sit in the sun at certain times of the day and of course not for long hours. This is advice that I assume you know from your children’s years. And what did your mom do when you were out of the house? He put sunscreen on your little faces, making you white and white children. This just in…. because your parents knew something. What did they know? UVA and UVB rays cause damage to the skin all year round, making the application of sunscreen a daily must of our routine, just like brushing our teeth or combing our hair. Now if you don’t know which sunscreen is right for you, just invest in a foundation with an SPF factor that instantly transforms skin texture while protecting it all seasons.

3. Say no to eyebrow tweezers

Fashion dictates that we should have eyebrows and not two thin lines above our eyes. So in order to be in fashion, but also to look several years younger, we have to stop loving our tweezers so much, leaving our hair in place. If you now have some gaps in your eyebrows due to age or poor brow waxing in the past, invest in products such as eyebrow pencils and eyebrow shadows, which naturally fill in the gaps. You will find such products in a variety of shades.

4. Well-groomed limbs, proper manicure

No matter how beautiful a woman is, imagine suddenly seeing badly bitten nails or a damaged manicure. If you are not one of those women who have time to do your nails yourself, you can either consult a nail care specialist, or adopt nude polishes in shades that match your skin , so that the wear is not immediately so obvious, but give you the time to go and do them.

5. Hair, hair and a nice hairstyle.

I guarantee that. I wake up ugly but with nice hair, my whole day goes well. If I have a beautiful head and my hair is tidy, then I don’t really care about a pimple or a little pimple. You know why? Because looking at me, if I have nice hair, you’re not going to notice any of my other imperfections. So even if you’re not very friendly with the salon, make sure you use the right shampoo, conditioner and maybe a nourishing mask. Better still, ask a hairdresser what you should do to your hair and together you can create a haircut, a hairstyle that without doing too much will serve you well and you will always look well-groomed and glamorous.


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