5 mistakes you make with your hair!


Do you want rich, shiny and healthy hair, but something is wrong?
Today we look together at the most common hair care mistakes, so you can change your routine, immediately!

1) You don’t get a haircut often enough
You love long hair and that’s why you don’t go to the salon for a haircut often enough.
But this way the hair does not look healthy and extra shiny.
For proper hair care, choose to have your ends cleaned every 2 months or so.

2) You don’t dye your hair
You let the whites stay and thus weaken your image.

3) Very frequent shampooing
With frequent shampooing, you don’t let the natural oils stay and thus affect the health of your skin.

4) You don’t change your style
You keep the same style all the time, without trying new things to update your image.
Try a change and don’t be afraid!
It’s hair, it’ll grow!

5) Unfiltered copying
Whatever new trend comes out, you try it.
Of course we have to try new things, but the right thing to do is to be inspired and also to try
changes that are close to us and will suit us.
So for a successful change, talk to your Consultant Hairdresser!

For more tips check out my new YouTube video!
So I am waiting for you for a diagnostic appointment at Ananesios Hair Salon in Heraklion, Crete.
And if you’re a hairdresser, share this article with your clients, for the mistakes they can make too.

If you have any questions, you can find me on social media, Facebook & Instagram.

I kiss you,
Maria Dretaki


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