Your hair gives away who you are!!


Long hair, short, curly, straight, blonde, brown, black… and yet every hair can be different and every style can be special, depending on which person it is.

How many movie stars or showbiz stars in general have established themselves in the industry and we remember them with a certain hair style. Marilyn Monroe had what kind of hair? Brigitte Bartot? Julia Roberts, Elvis Presley, John Travolta?

Hair can change our style by destroying or perfecting us.

Choose which hair expresses you and be ready to be psyched based on that look.

Hair not only gives you charm but also gives you an identity.


You tell me that you have good eating habits and yet your hair can confirm the opposite. How can they expose you irreparably? If you have dull, tired or limp hair, it could be because you’re not drinking enough water and not eating vegetables, fruits and nutrient-rich foods. Also the oily, fried foods can be used as a


We all let our hair down if we have a psychological issue, nerves or even embarrassment about something. Try to leave your hair alone because if you are stressed, firstly your hair can’t help you and secondly if you see afterwards what you did to your hair by playing with it, you will be more stressed.


You realize that if you have white hairs and roots, your age automatically shows. But not wanting to talk about the obvious, I will tell you that even the color you choose to do or the cut… can tell you a lot about how old you are. Do you want girly bangs or tight short frames? Shoe in brown shades or platinum straight up to the waist?


You didn’t expect that five hairs all together could show someone your historical beliefs, culture or religion you love…. ε; And yet!!! Say, do you prefer long dark hair like a gypsy, princess hair? Hair curly and afro like an African’s, blond like a Russian’s, shaved like a prisoner’s? Orange Scotch? You choose… we psychologize!!!!


Finally, after learning if you are a romantic, a realist… if you like fairy tales, princes… now through your hair we can see your character.
A constantly straightened hair can indicate your mood for control over things. If you like to change shape and colour all the time, you might get bored easily and need the attention of the world. If your hair is uncolored in natural tones, just maybe you need to look at life differently and pay attention, loving yourself again?


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