What does the expert say? Strengthen your immune system.. with proper nutrition!


To deal with the coronavirus pandemic, we stay home, wear a mask, wash our hands with soap and antiseptics…. and we get fat by eating whatever we can find in our fridge, on the excuse that we are at home all day. But how much harm are we doing to our body and health with this habit? Because especially now, above all, we need to strengthen the health of our immune system. How can this be done? Among other things, with the right diet!!!!

Hairdressingnews.com spoke with dietician Faye Georgakopoulou, who gave us tips for the armouring of our immune system, telling us in detail what we should avoid and what it would be good to include in our daily program. Proper nutrition and hydration, physical activity for 40-45 minutes a day, walking, cycling or even exercises at home. Stress management and of course positive energy!!!!

Vitamin D is known to be a shield against coronavirus. We get most of this vitamin from our exposure to the sun. If getting out is difficult, Mrs. Georgakopoulou, told us that this valuable vitamin is also found in oily fish, egg yolk, meat, milk, cereals and yoghurt. It would be good to make sure that all of these are lean.

“It is good reduce saturated fat, fried foods, prepared foods and to include in our daily routine, monounsaturated fatty acids such as olive oil, Omega 3, Omega 6, corn oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil and avocado, fresh and unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts” said Ms. Georgakopoulou, reminding us of the importance of small and frequent meals to the body.

A good and useful tip, which if you incorporate it into your eating habits you will almost immediately see the good it will do you, is to prefer brown sugar or honey and limit regular sugar and salt.

According to the diet expert, yes, proper nutrition is important, but it is not the only thing we need to pay attention to. Specifically, the expert said that for proper hydration of our body, we should drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily and especially smokers should include vitamin C in their routine.

Attention at the Easter table!!!!

Fasting has begun and while our body lacks even the basics such as calcium and iron, which is present in meat and dairy products, suddenly on Easter Day, when we are allowed to eat, we want to eat everything. We can eat anything, even brioche, but in moderation!!!!

As Mrs. Georgakopoulou, a good nutritional source with rich nutrients and vitamins, to integrate and help our body in fasting, is tahini.
Now as far as the traditional goulash is concerned, our dietician considers it a good meal after fasting. Finally, her advice is, “To avoid heavy stomach and gastrointestinal problems, do not forget to eat breakfast and small and frequent meals, so that on the evening of the Resurrection you can avoid the big meal”. Happy Resurrection!!!!


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