Wet hair and sleep? Never again!

Wet hair and sleep

Wet hair and sleep? Never again!

At some point we have all slept with wet hair.
We came back from a long day or a late night, bathed and went to sleep.
But do we know that this has many negative effects on our hair and health?

Let’s look at them one by one…

When we lie on the pillow with wet hair, it absorbs moisture. Inevitably, fungi and bacteria will grow. Repeating this tactic will create mold on the pillow. We will inhale it and then what? itchy eyes, allergies and even asthma. Horror!

Headache …

Did you know that lying down with wet hair can cause a headache during sleep?

The body temperature increases during the REM ( deep sleep ) phase of sleep.The body gets warm while the moisture in our head keeps it cold. Result? Severe headache.

Headache from wet hair

Take care of your hair like… your clothes

Imagine that the hairs are like the fibres of a fabric. And I ask you: Why do you pick up your wet hair when you would never do the same with your wet clothes? Do you fold the washed clothes as they come out of the washing machine? Of course not. Drying or laying out in the sunshine. So you should also take care of your hair. After shampooing we always do a good drying.

Hair that breaks

When you brush your wet hair the moisture gets trapped and the texture of the hair changes from time to time. The water that remains in the outer layer of the hair follicles will cause the hair to lose its shine. As a result, elasticity will be lost and hair will break more easily.

Wet hair that breaks

Pain in the neck

When we sleep, the side that is resting on the pillow gets warm. Instead, the other side is getting cold. This is made worse when there is an air conditioner or fan in the room. How many times have you not woken up with a “grip” in the neck and you can’t turn your head? NEVER AGAIN!!!!

I sounded the alarm. Do you still sleep with wet hair?

With a lot of love for your hair,
Yannos Mindilonitis


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