Up to 72 instalments for pandemic debts


The economic staff has worked out a new plan for the repayment of debts created during the health crisis, which is expected to be presented to the technical teams in the context of the 11th post-monetary review.

Negotiations are expected to conclude next week and the final plan will be announced shortly afterwards, so that taxpayers know exactly how they will deal with the pandemic debts.

According to “K”, the government’s plan provides for an increase in the number of instalments (24 interest-free instalments or 48 instalments with an interest rate of 2.5%), as well as the inclusion of income tax and possibly ENFIA debts.

Specifically, apart from the suspension of tax liabilities, it is planned, if the institutions agree, to include debts relating to income tax of the previous fiscal year and ENFIA of the same period. It is not excluded that debts of the current year will also be included.

Under the plan, debts frozen from the first and second quarantine periods, income tax and ENFIA will be included in the extraordinary debt adjustment starting in 2022.

The scheme is open to:

  • undertakings which have suspended their activities
  • freelancers affected by the health crisis
  • workers in closed enterprises who are under contract suspension
  • property owners who received reduced rents

Specifically, debts confirmed to the tax authorities that are not in a regularization regime and for which suspension of collection and extension of payment until 31/12/2021 have been granted will be included in the above regulation, as well as debts that have not been suspended and relate to income tax and ENFIA.

These debts after the expiry of the extension (31/12/2021) will be eligible for a payment installment plan, which will provide for a choice between 24 interest-free instalments or 72 instalments at an interest rate of 2.5%. The first instalment of this arrangement will be paid by 31 January 2022 and the rest on the last working day of the following months. Those who choose 24 instalments will be interest-free, while if the taxpayer chooses more instalments, they will be charged a low interest rate of 2.5%.

The scheme is open to:

1. Enterprises that have suspended their operations by order of the state.

2. Businesses, freelancers and self-employed persons who were affected and continue to be affected by the pandemic crisis and show a decrease in turnover in the period March – June 2020 and are included in the lists of affected IDs.

3. Employees who were in a temporary suspended employment contract status and received the special purpose allowance.

4. Property owners who received reduced rents.

The debts of the above taxpayers that will be included in the new, more favourable arrangement from January 2022 onwards are:

– All unpaid debts (VAT, payroll tax, inheritance tax, gift or parental benefit tax, additional taxes and fines from tax and customs inspections) confirmed at the Tax and Audit Centres.

– All debts confirmed to the Tax and Audit Centres that were overdue.

– The inclusion of income tax and ENFIA has also been proposed.


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