Time management: how to have 25 hours in your day

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Time management is a popular phrase. I think we all know people who get everything done in their day… and then some. And we all wonder how they do it. As if their day has extra hours! Or do they not sleep at all? Nah… if they didn’t sleep, they wouldn’t have so much energy!

So what’s going on, I wonder?

I have a plan. I know what I’m doing.

When you have a plan for the activities you want to do during the day, everything takes a turn. So pick an agenda and write down today what you want to do tomorrow – shopping, gym, meetings, etc. At first you may find this process tedious. But then you’ll find that you’re now planning your day on automatic.

Time management & planning


Research has shown that humans cannot focus their attention on 2 actions at the same time. Of course, this switching of attention lasts for a split second and we don’t notice it. And that’s exactly why you’ll find that you can combine a few actions to save time. For example, you can call your girlfriend while you’re doing the dishes!

The priorities

When we feel pressed for time, there is no “room” for the extra activities. In these cases we have to prioritise.
Evaluate which actions are most important to you in the short and long term and see when and how often you put them on your schedule. This is the key to effective time management!

Sleep and rest!

To be efficient, you need to rest. Less sleep does not help you. So you feel tired all the time, you lose your concentration, and every activity takes a long time.

How are you doing with time management?

With love,


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