There is only one mother!!!!


Mama, mama, mama, mama, mama, it’s your day today, you hear?
Happy birthday and know that I love you. I love you because from the first moment I went out into the world and was laid on top of you, I stopped crying. I adore you for all those nights when I was sick and you were by my side, for the endless hours you sat and read to me, for the knowledge and values you have passed on to me, for the hours we talked about a thousand and two of my own issues, for the hugs, kisses, love, and strength you gave me and continue to give me simply because you exist.
I adore you because above all you made me the person I am now.
Thank you that as long as I have you, I’m not afraid of anyone.

A Jewish proverb says that God could not be everywhere so he created the mother. How right is Paulo Coelho’s story!!!!

Happy birthday to my mom and to all the moms of the world who without this important creature in our lives, we would not exist.

Read the following story and if you are close to your mom, hug her tightly and find an occasion on this day to say a big thank you, giving her lots of kisses and lots of love. Know that even if they don’t ask for it, they certainly need it!!!!

“God called His most beloved angel and presented him with a model of a mother.The angel did not like what he saw.

-“You have worked hard, Lord, you no longer know what you are doing,” said the angel. Look! Special kiss, which cures all diseases, six pairs of hands to cook, wash, iron, care, check, clean. It won’t work!

-The problem is not the hands, God countered. They are the three pairs of eyes I had to put in: one to watch her child behind closed doors and protect him from open windows, another to look at him sternly when she has to teach him something essential, and the third to show him constant tenderness and love, no matter how busy she is!

The angel examined the mother’s model more closely.

-And what is this?

-A phytotherapy mechanism. She won’t have time to be sick, she will have to deal with her husband, with the children, with the house.

-“I think you should get some rest, Lord,” said the angel. And return to the classic pattern of two hands, two eyes, etc.

God agreed with the angel. After resting, she transformed the mother into a normal woman. But he confessed to the angel:

-I had to give her such a strong will that she thought she would have six hands, three pairs of eyes and the ability to heal herself. Otherwise it will not be able to fulfil its duty.

The angel examined her closely. In his opinion, this time God had succeeded. But suddenly he noticed a mistake:

-Showing off. I wonder, Lord, if you have again put too much into this mother’s model.

-It does not empty. This is called a tear.

-And what is it for?

-To show joy, sadness, disappointment, pain, anger, excitement.

-Sir, you are a genius! the angel exclaimed. This was exactly what was missing to complete the standard.

God added in a melancholy tone:

-I didn’t put it there. When I assembled all the parts, the tear appeared on its own.

The angel again confounded the Almighty and so the mothers were created.”

Happy Birthday Mom, I love you more than you can imagine!!!!


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