The value of sustainability for A.S.P – AFFINAGE SALON PROFESSIONAL


At A.S.P- AFFINAGE SALON PROFESSIONAL , the importance of sustainability is very high and this is because
respect for the environment is the driving force of the leading company in professional products.

No animal testing :

A.S.P- AFFINAGE SALON PROFESSIONAL does not carry out, nor does it outsource, animal testing,
in its ingredients, formulations or finished products.
At the same time, follows all EU regulations regarding the legislation on cosmetic products,
which prohibits animal testing.

90% Ingredients of Natural Origin

In most A.S.P. products, the ingredients are more than 90% of natural origin.

100% Vegan Friendly :

All products of A.S.P- AFFINAGE SALON PROFESSIONAL, are Vegan Friendly.
With the only exception of course, the Kitoko Protein Additive product that contains keratin.
Keratin is produced from extracts of human hair and extracted in a human way,
therefore it is the ONLY ingredient of animal origin used by A.S.P.

Parabens :

The removal of Parabens and sulphates from almost all of the company’s products and their replacement
has been done with more advanced systems.
The elimination of MCI (Methylchloroisothiazolinone) and MI (Methylisothiazolinone) has been done in ALL A.S.P. products.

Packaging :

99% of packaging is now produced from recyclable material.
Also undeniable is the hard work to ensure that the purchase of all printing materials,
are from sustainable sources.

Recycle My Salon :

In the context of its commitment to the “eternal defense of nature”, AFFINAGE SALON PROFESSIONAL
is an active sponsor of the Recycle My Salon program, whose creation makes it easier for salons to
recycle the aluminium paint tubes.
So find out how your salon can make a difference to the planet.


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