The Hairdressing News team at Hairprof 2022


The Hairdressing News team took to the main stage of Hairprof 2022 and rocked with hairstyles that the attendees loved!

Watch the video below and get a glimpse of the presentation of the Hairdressing News team in the new- renewed Hairprof 2022!

But let’s take things from the beginning!

First on stage to welcome the audience was the Founder of the Hairdressing News Cleanthis ,
and talked about the “birth” of Hairdressing News, its idea and philosophy,
taking over the presentation of the spectacular event that followed.

But before that, the Artistic Director of Hairdressing News took to the stage, Konstantinos Sklavenitis ,
in order to say a few words about himself and his artistic team.

The music started and Cleanthis welcomed on stage the three hair experts who generously shared their knowledge with the audience,
Him Yannos Mindilonitis ,
from Elizabeth Makri
and the Konstantinos Bakoyannis .

In the first part, the hair experts took out their tools and went on fire creating very impressive haircuts with full Rock mood and energy.

In addition to their scissors, they also used a razor to show how impressive results can be created
with this amazing tool.

In the second leg they highlighted combing techniques in combination Rock & Elegant, inspired by the 80s and 90s.

From romantic – to rock, the only thing is that this presentation had it all!

The audience finally applauded Yiannos, Elisavet and Konstantinos and left the show for sure,
with more inspiration, but also knowledge to apply in their own space from the very next day!


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