The hairdressers are opening!! Moving until 9 in the evening!


From tomorrow, Saturday, the bans are relaxed and we are entitled to be home at 9pm instead of 6pm. Also, we are now entitled to go outside 2 km and use 13033 to travel outside our municipality.

This Monday hairdressers, barber shops, beauty centres and outdoor archaeological sites open as normal!
You can go to the hairdresser’s, strictly by appointment, the usual protective measures, of course with the obligatory use of a mask and the number 6 message. The hours, as the Ministry of Development clarified, will again be liberalized, while citizens will be able to go to another municipality for their appointment.

With the number of cases now reaching 2785, deaths 64 and hospitalised 649, the government and plague experts seem to have realised that the proposed bans have not worked so far. Trying to make a smooth return to our normality Mrs. Aristotle Peloni Government Spokesperson says that “the measures that will be announced will act as a decompression valve after months of lockdown, with the ally of the increase in vaccinees and the improvement of the weather”.

At today’s press conference the Deputy Minister of Civil Protection Mr. Nikos Chardalias officially announced the lifting of the strict prohibitive measures regarding our movement and the effort to return to our normalcy, starting this Monday, the opening of hairdressers, barbers, beauty centers and archaeological sites. Also, although the two-kilometre restriction is being lifted with message number 6 in 13033 for pet walking or exercise, we are still not allowed to use our car to go somewhere for exercise.

Program towards our normality
Saturday 20 March, the lifting of the curfew from 19:00 is moved to 21:00, as it is on weekdays.

Monday 22 March, hairdressers, barbers and nail shops open, strictly by appointment.

Monday 29 March, retailers are expected to open, with a message sent to the new number 13032, a message with a three-hour duration, for out-of-store pickup.

We do not forget
Although the measures are starting to decrease and we are slowly returning to our normal lives, let’s not forget that the crown belly is there and we need to take care of ourselves and those around us.
Universal use of masks is required indoors and outdoors.
Travel with caution is permitted on weekdays and weekends, from 5am to 9pm. We can move outside of 2 kilometers.
We try to keep a distance of at least two metres between us. We use antiseptic and do not put our hands on our face.

Measures in Hairdressers/Barberies
In hairdressing salons and personal hygiene services, in addition to the constant use of the now standard antiseptic ….
1) The mandatory use of masks by staff and customers and the use of special gloves by staff.
2) Measures to limit the number of customers, based on area
3) The distance between workstations should be two meters.
4) Customers will only come by appointment by telephone and electronic means.
5)Businesses must complete a list of customer appointments at the start of their daily operation, which will be shown to the control bodies.
6) Diligent and frequent cleaning of common objects.
All floor surfaces, counters, counters, counters, sanitary areas (floors, basins, sinks, etc.) must be kept clean and disinfected at regular intervals during the day.

The geographical distribution of new cases

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