The deadlines for the declarations of suspension of employment contracts in June


Among other things, the deadlines for submitting declarations of suspension of employment contracts for vulnerable groups for the month of June 2021 were announced.

Specifically, for the month of June 2021, the possibility of submitting declarations of suspension of employment contracts of workers belonging to vulnerable groups and who are subject to the provisions of the law no. 39363/1537/30-9-2020 (B’ 4262) KYA, the validity of which was extended by No. οικ.41379/18-6-2021 KYA until 30 June 2021, in the Information System “ERGANI”, by selecting the special case “Cases of employees belonging to vulnerable groups of category 1.1. “High risk persons” of article 1 of the KYA no. 37095/1436/17-09-2020 (B’4011)”, within the following deadline:

Deadlines for submission of declarations and correct repetitions: from 22/6/2021 to 30/6/2021.

– Special deadlines for submitting declarations of suspension of employment contracts for the month of June

The contractor companies under the codes 85.59 and 93.21 are reopened and affected from 19/6/2021, based on Decree No. D1a/G.P.οικ. 38197/18-6-2021 (B’ 2660) KYA.

These companies submit from 22/6/2021 until today Thursday 24/6/2021 to the P.S. “ERGANI” a correct repetition of the declaration of suspension of employment contracts of their employees as closed, changing only the period during which they would remain closed, without allowing any change in the declared employees whose employment contracts have been suspended and declaration of suspension as affected from 19/6/2021 to 24/6/2021.

Then, as of 25/6/2021, they shall make a solemn declaration of prior notice of suspension of employment contracts of the employees they now suspend as affected.

– Deadlines for submitting declarations for the “SYN-GERASIA” Mechanism

For the month of May 2021 – Phase B “SYN-TRUST”

The opportunity is given to submit the declarations “Application/Declaration of membership in the “SYN-GERGY” Mechanism (Phase B)” and “Application/Declaration of membership in the “SYN-GERGY” Mechanism (Phase B)-Correct Repetition” for the month of May 2021, within the deadline below:

Deadlines for submission of declarations & correct repetitions: from 23/6/2021 to 28/6/2021.

– Deadlines for submitting declarations and correct repetitions – Easter Gift 2020.

Businesses/employers are given the opportunity to submit to the P.S. “ERGANI” from 5/7/2021 to 9/7/2021 the form “Responsible Declaration of Businesses-Employers for the Easter holiday allowance for the year 2020, for which the state budget is charged” as an initial declaration for those businesses/employers who have not submitted a relevant request until today. Subsequently, until the same date, it is possible to resubmit this form as a correct repetition, in order to correct any errors that have occurred during the initial declaration of this form (indicatively: incorrect amounts per employee in relation to the suspension days and gross earnings, incorrect, not accepted or cancelled IBAN, etc.).

Deadlines for submission of declarations & correct repetitions: from 5/7/2021 to 9/7/2021.

Before submitting the corrections with the form “Declaration of Businesses-Employers for the Easter Holiday Allowance for the year 2020 for which the state budget is liable – Correct Repetition” for the businesses/employers that were excluded from the payments of the Easter Bonus, the interested parties can search for the last declaration and, by selecting the “Review” button, they can be informed about the reasons for the exclusion from the payments.

In cases where the error indicated is “unacceptable payment amount”, for employees whose VAT numbers are shown, amounts that meet the criteria for calculating the Easter Bonus subsidy must be entered. If the correct amounts have not been completed when the form is submitted, a message is displayed with the suspension days up to 30/4/2020 and the gross earnings resulting from the forms submitted to the P.S. “ERGANI” and on the basis of which the calculations are made.


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