Summer myths or realities?


Pretty much all of us have heard myths…. from our grandmother, our aunt, our mom, someone who knows or thinks they know. Now that we are in summer, it might be the right time to bust the myths of summer !!!


Hair falls out more in the summer.

The rate of normal (non-pathological) hair loss shows a seasonality, but it is more common in autumn than in summer. Normal hair loss is due to the fact that our hairs are not all in the same phase of growth: every day some are regenerated and others die. So, losing up to 100 hairs a day is normal.


Salt “roasts” the hair !!!!

The exact opposite is true. It is important to rinse the hair after every swim in the sea or pool, using mild shampoos that are suitable for daily use and offer better hydration. After shampooing it is our duty to use conditioner, or hair mask, especially those (women and men) who have long hair. Their moisturizing properties replace the natural lipids of the hair, which are removed by shampooing.


Avoid daily bathing.

This myth has been around all year, but in the summer it’s even more important to set the record straight. With travel, intense activities, salt and chlorine coming into play, our hair is more in need of a deep cleanse on a daily basis. All we have to do is to choose the right product that will gently remove dirt and external aggressors and at the same time protect our hair from the sun, preventing dryness and breakage.


Brush your hair!!!!

Especially in the summer, make sure to avoid frequent and “violent” brushing of hair, drying with a blow dryer or hair iron and choose styling products that will moisturize your hair with UV filters.


All sunscreens are the same !!!

But is that possible? Just as not all moisturisers are the same, sunscreens differ from one another. Maybe when they first appeared they didn’t have the dozens of variations they have now, but now, there is a hair sunscreen for your every need..
do not be confused.


Sunscreen only on the beach

As we take care of our face, in the same way, it is good to protect the health of our hair, taking care of it, during the summer months with sun protection daily. Because the sun is not only on the beach. We appreciate its radiation during the whole day going either to work or a walk in the shops. Whatever we do, summer is here and we should be ready to enjoy it !!!!

Tip: wear your hat .. your turban is a must have accessory for this summer !!!!!!


Thehairxpert by ioanna & sissy



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