Sleep or Insomnia in Quarantine? Ways to sleep like a bird


Some of us, because of plenty of free time, sleep a lot. Others due to stress and work sleep very little. The coronavirus and the quarantine has changed everything and in the midst of it all are our habits. How many of us are screaming that we put on weight in quarantine? Trying to excuse you, I say, aren’t you not sleeping enough? Because sleep, if not done properly… besides being tired, you can become nervous, you may not have a proper metabolism, you may have a problem in your immune system and increase inflammation in the body, so by extension you may feel and be vulnerable to various viruses, something that especially in this season, we don’t want!

What can you do to sleep better and longer, at more convenient times?

What time do you sleep?

First of all, try to establish a schedule and a routine. This may be a bit difficult at this stage of our lives, but especially when it comes to sleep, do your best to be organised!

If you’re one of those bats as I call them who sleep during the day and wake up at night, change it. Your body needs to get on a schedule and learn to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. Even if you work from home, get up at the same time as you would before, take off your pyjamas and get organised as if you were in your office.

Do not sleep in the day

And I say that because when you’re from bed to couch and from couch to bed, a little bit of reclining .. you slept. But this drowsiness, apart from not resting you, also makes it difficult for you to get a good night’s sleep.

Yes to exercise not before you sleep

The gyms may be closed, but those who want to exercise, exercise. And you want to! So add at least 30 minutes of daily physical exercise to your life. Some running, walking, swimming, tennis, basketball, whatever makes you happy. All these are beneficial both in terms of stress and good mood. It is advisable not to decide to exercise just before you go to sleep. Because we don’t want stimulation and eventually wakefulness.

Read a book, relax with music

Many people say that television lulls them to sleep. But experts say that if you want to sleep peacefully and beautifully, you shouldn’t watch TV, you shouldn’t work on your computer and you shouldn’t play with your mobile phone at least an hour before it’s time to go to sleep. All this creates stress and what do we want? Let’s calm down so we can sleep!

Drink a hot tea, take a hot bath and eat light. The pastitsio pan, the bean casserole, the Smyrna soutzoukakia, are not the right dinner options.

And now after hypothetically doing all this, I’m sleepy…. Good night.


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