Shower: Morning or evening? What is the right time?


Some people, when they wake up in the morning, with one eye closed, go into the bathroom to wake up. Others prefer to relax in the late evening just before putting on their pyjamas and going to bed, to take a shower. How can the same energy of water run over us, and wake us up and relax us? And finally, is there a right time to bathe? Opinions are divided!!!!

Traditional Chinese medicine says to shower in the evening, an hour after dinner and an hour before going to bed. So if you get off work at 6, get home at 7, eat at 8, shower at 9 and the perfect time is 10, you’re ready for bed! According to Chinese healers, when you shower at night, the skin more easily repairs the damage it has suffered – something that is perfected after and during the night’s sleep. On the contrary, if you shower in the morning, then you are in danger of “washing away” the Yuan Oi, the “spark of energy” from you and this, as you can see, is not good at all.

The same view seems to be shared by American experts, who emphasise that evening bathing ultimately has few more benefits than breakfast. In particular, Dr. Elisabeth Culnan, of Rush University Hospital in Chicago in an interview with an American magazine explained that “Showering or bathing before bedtime helps to relax and improve sleep quality” so it should be done about an hour before you go to bed so that your body has time to return to its normal temperature.

It’s all about your skin
Traditional western medicine, however, which is mostly taught nowadays, when asked what is the right time to take a shower, tells us that it all depends on our skin type. A morning shower is a great way to renew your skin cells, which is very useful for those with oily, acne-prone skin. During the night sebum is secreted, so when you wash in the morning you help your pores stay clean and not retain oil. On the contrary, if your skin is dry, it is better to wash at night, the time when the natural process of exfoliation and skin replenishment takes place.

Bathing both morning and evening, says the Indian Ayurveda healing system, since two showers a day not only cleanse the body better, but also rejuvenate the mind and soul. Showering in the morning helps to mobilise cells and improves blood circulation, giving you energy. Showering in the evening gives you the opportunity to “wash away” the experiences of the day and go to bed free of unnecessary dirt (both literally and figuratively), which is necessary to have a peaceful night.

And because apart from scientific research, I have democratically researched the issue with friends and acquaintances, most of them told me that apart from the time of the shower, the temperature of the water also matters.. If you want to wake up by recharging your batteries, start with a few seconds of cold water, continue with hot water and end with cold water again. The sudden change in temperature opens the capillaries, increases blood flow and gives a sense of stimulation, activating the mind and body…. and after that you say good morning world. If on the other hand you want relaxation limit yourself to hot water.


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