Say goodbye to stress and fatigue as a hairdresser!


A demanding career can often make stress and fatigue seem like a way of life.
This is something that many hairdressers can relate to.
In small doses, stress can help you perform under pressure.
But when it is constant, the effect on your mind, body and health can be harmful, combined with fatigue.

So these are some ways to keep your mental health at work under control.

Dramatic change in performance? Loss of motivation? Difficulty concentrating? Are you late for work? You’re taking the day off and you feel sick? Recurrent headaches and pains; Do you get angry at the slightest thing?
Are any of these familiar?
These are common signs of high stress and pressure.

Healthy habits

We need to take care of ourselves as much as others, and it is necessary to identify
the stress and fatigue that can make it difficult for you.
There are simple methods you can introduce to reduce their impact.

Breath: You think it’s obvious..
The power to regulate breathing seems to be an achievement of many, but it is not.
An excellent pattern to calm the body is to inhale 4 times, hold the breath for seven seconds
and exhale for eight.
Repeat this as many times as you like or until you start to feel better.

This is great to do in the morning when you wake up or when you see irritation just around the corner!

Yoga: Make time to do yoga two or three times a week.
Even if they are short sessions of 15 to 20 minutes.
The relaxing and balancing benefits of this discipline are enormous.

Walking: An excellent form of stress relief is regular walking in an open environment,
frees the mind and relaxes the body.
A great way to relax after a full day of grinding with clients.

Meditation: Once you return home, do the candlelight meditation.
Just light a candle and stare at the flame until your eyes start to water.
It looks strange, but it’s very relaxing and takes your mind away from the busy day you’ve just had.

stress- fatigue

Maintaining a balanced diet

A hairdresser’s day is anything but routine.
Often, lunch should be supplemented by lunch and afternoon snacks
and if it’s a particularly long day, other meals besides that.

Eating between appointments and drinking a series of strong coffees or an endless stream of energy drinks
can be quite harmful to health.

Good posture

Hunching, stooping, stretching and poor posture may seem unavoidable, combined with standing.
It’s not all about your age.
Moreover, youth is no protection against persistent pain.
More specifically, changing your posture is a great way to improve the health of your body,
let alone if it stays that way throughout the job.


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