Princess Diana: The diet that didn’t let her gain a gram


Princess Diana kept her body in perfect condition! Her scale never went up in number but she made several sacrifices for it, eating three specific foods all the time. The former chef who served the British royal family for almost two decades, Darren McGrady, reveals all.

What Princess Diana did and did not eat

She particularly liked roasted peppers and only ate meat when she had guests. This happened, for example, when Clint Eastwood came as a guest and wanted to eat roast lamb. The rest of the time, her diet consisted of boiled potatoes with eggs and paprika and boiled chicken.

She got up early and her breakfast included half a grapefruit, a glass of lemon juice and a cup of coffee. He ate two pieces of toast and a spoonful of beans. The first choice in her meals was roast chicken. He never ate red meat – maybe at a formal table. In the evening she retired to her bedroom at 18.00-19.00. If the children were not at home, he would eat either in the kitchen or in front of the TV. But when he had guests or the children from the boarding school had come, he chose the dining room for 10 people.“.

He adds: “She had a weakness for tomato mousse and when I explained that it was a fattening option, she asked me to modify the recipe. So, I substituted the fatty elements, but without losing any flavor! This “change” is something that happened often: for example, at her banquets her guests would eat the fatty version of a dish while she ate the lighter one, but she never revealed this tasty trick that kept her thin.“.


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