Play with your memory… so you don’t forget!


What did you eat yesterday? Where did you put your keys? Check your phone records if you can’t remember when you talked to your best friend. Did you forget where you parked your car again? Where’s your bag? That new book you bought, where did you tidy it up?
“Where’s the ring? Search, search, search, you won’t find it”!!!! Following the advice below…. And you will find the ring and you will find your keys… and now your memory will shine and you won’t have to go around looking for your parked car!!!!

The solution to your problem is called photographic memory!!!!

1)Dark Room – Military Method
For this memory experiment, you only need to be in a room and have a book with you. You open the book and start reading it, each time you finish a paragraph, you turn off the light and try to bring back to your mind as faithfully as possible what you have read up to that moment. You will certainly not be 100% successful and you will not be able to remember exactly what you read, but you will be able to get your brain to work by storing a lot of information more easily.

2)Draw your neighbourhood in your mind
You walk every day on the sidewalk in front of your house. Go to the nearest kiosk and pastry shop in your area and always park in front of a traditional taverna. If you had to draw a diagram, do you remember to do it? Do you know what colour the roof of the bakery, or the awning of the kiosk or the door of the tavern is? Remember if the girl at the booth counter has long or short hair and what trees are in the park next to the parking lot? All this also exercises your memory, putting it in the process of automatically connecting a microcosm in your mind, made up of streets, buildings and faces.

3)Do it like the FBI
You won’t find criminals, but if anything, you want to remember who talked to you this morning at the bakery or if you saw your best friend yesterday or the day before.
Find photos of actors and singers online and try to remember as many of their films or songs as possible. You can also do this as a game with a friend. Think about it!

Instead of watching dumbed-down TV, play games designed to develop your memory skills!

I admit that this may be difficult for you, especially in the beginning, but every beginning is difficult. Don’t you want to remember in full detail where you put what, what he told you, who told you, when he told you, why he told you and so on?

Experiment and let me know the result… What? Will you forget to let me know? Nah, after this test I’m sure you’ll remember everything!!!!

P.S. : Not to forget, another solution to the problem of “low memory” is frequent sex!

According to researchers at McGill University in Canada, who asked 78 women, aged 18 to 29, to complete a questionnaire about their sex lives and then subjected them to a memory test, it was found that those who reported having sex more often scored higher on the assessment tests!!! So? I just made your life and memory easier!!!!


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