Parabens What it means in beauty products


Parabens what do we know about this substance present in most beauty cosmetics?

Parabens, a class of chemical preservatives, are used in beauty products, as shown by research from the 1920s.
The fact is, the beauty industry has long relied on parabens to increase the shelf life of products.

Some products are:

  • shampoo
  • emollient creams
  • face creams
  • hair masks
  • soaps
  • body lotion

It is also worth noting that over the last decade, the side effects of long-term exposure to parabens have become a cause for concern. In other words, it is a well-known fact that almost all beauty cosmetics use some kind of preservatives to make them last longer.
Undeniably, cosmetics without parabens are safer to use.

Paraben Free

It is very important, as this term is intended to inform the consumer that these harmful chemicals are not part of this product formula.
More specifically, in this article I will help you to start looking for products that naturally do not have these harmful substances in their ingredients.

Is it harmful?

Initially, they can mimic the human hormone estrogen. It is often claimed to affect the hormonal balance of the body, while it has nothing to do with gender.
Indeed, we are concerned that it may affect reproductive activities, which are
pregnancy and the period.

Daily exposure to such products, as well as constant exposure, may play a role in the development of breast cancer cells in women.

It also needs to be noted that, some people experience an allergic reaction to parabens where this may include.

itchy skin

Which types of cosmetics contain parabens

  • make up and powders
  • facial creams for hydration
  • sunscreens
  • ruse
  • body lotion face lotion
  • shampoo, conditioner, hair masks
  • shaving creams
  • lipstick
  • lip balm
  • Vaseline

On all product labels it is common to always write all parabens preservatives so that,
easy for everyone to identify them as their names always have the word paraben as the second ingredient.
In other words, if you learn how to read cosmetic labels then you will avoid several risks.

Yours sincerely,

Elizabeth Makri


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