Mitsotakis: Minimum wage increases by 2%


Despite the contrary suggestion of business representatives, the government has decided to increase the minimum wage by 2% this year, the prime minister said.

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced during the cabinet meeting that the minimum wage will be increased by 2%.

At the opening of the meeting, the Prime Minister noted: Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Let me start with the first item on our agenda, which concerns the decisions of the Council of Ministers in relation to the minimum wage. Despite the contrary suggestion of business representatives, the government decided to increase the minimum wage by 2% this year.

As you know, in the preceding dialogue, the Confederations of professionals, craftsmen, large enterprises, traders, had called for a freeze on the minimum wage because of the special circumstances brought about by the pandemic. And indeed – as we all know – the GNP last year fell by around 8%, so these conditions are still valid. But what is also true is the dynamism of the Greek economy, its prospects, which I personally trust. The increase that we are deciding on today obviously does not meet the needs of workers. I would like to remind you, however, that it follows on from a giant programme which exceeded EUR 40 billion, which for 18 months supported income, jobs and the liquidity of businesses. As well as the fact that this increase comes on top of a wave of tax cuts and smaller contributions, which in turn have supported the disposable income of all workers. Now this support is coming to stimulate the lowest paid. Symbolic but entirely realistic It has a level that can be described as symbolic. It is, however, absolutely realistic. But its direction remains substantial because it shows that this Government’s constant concern is to protect our weaker fellow citizens, but also because this increase – in the midst of the great difficulties of the pandemic – signals our optimism for the future of the Greek economy as a whole.

In short, I could describe this decision as a double signal: A a signal to restart the national production machine, as all indicators are on an upward trajectory since, despite the difficulties, tourism revenues will no longer be compared with those of 2020, but with those of 2019. While investment and exports are already at pre-crisis levels. And all of this before the important resources from the Recovery Fund have even fallen into the real economy. Let me remind you that the current parliamentary session – before the short summer holidays of the Parliament – will close on Friday with the completion of the pending legislation concerning the Recovery Fund. At the same time, however, the increase that the Minister of Labour will propose today is also a signal of the social orientation of our policy. Already, the first results of recovery and collective wealth are being channelled as a priority to those who need them most, realistically, sparingly and fairly. Most importantly, this small increase in the minimum wage is an optimistic message for everyone’s tomorrow: that we can do better, we achieve better and the best awaits us. So the sooner the health risk is gone, the sooner growth will come to the economy and society. That is why I will repeat – once again – that vaccination becomes a collective task.

The State will continue to tackle pandemic outbreaks where necessary with local interventions, but our choice is clear: The front of truth and reason must prevail through the Summer and from the Autumn our country will continue on its course one way or another. Increasing protection for victims of abuse and gender-based violence From our rich agenda today, I would also like to highlight the very important changes that the Ministry of Justice will propose regarding the Criminal Code. Protection of the vulnerable and minors, as well as victims of abuse and gender-based violence, will be increased. The conditional release of convicts is being tightened. It is lifted if new serious crimes are committed, while penalties are increased for a range of environmental crimes, such as forest fires. In other words, these are changes that monitor social reality, respond to the demands of citizens, but also demonstrate the readiness of this Government to intervene where necessary and correct the mistakes of the past. With unabated intensity, the effort for a new NHS I would also like to highlight the ratification of the Niarchos Foundation donation that will be proposed by the Ministry of Health. It concerns the supply of important equipment for four scanners to the same number of regional hospitals, but also the very important contribution of the Niarchos Foundation for the creation of a state-of-the-art paediatric hospital in Thessaloniki, something that was missing from the city, from the region. It has been a long-standing demand of decades in Thessaloniki and Northern Greece and is further proof that public and private forces can work together in harmony for the common good. It is also a tangible example, of course, that the Government’s effort for a new N.S.Y. continues with undiminished intensity on all fronts. We are about to face a major heatwave.

Finally, speaking of current affairs, I would like to note the great efforts of the Civil Protection and the Fire Brigade these days. In conditions of drought and very strong winds, in the last 24 hours alone, it has responded to more than 50 fires across the country. In general, the Civil Protection and the Fire Brigade have succeeded so far – thank God – in avoiding casualties and huge material damage. At the same time, Greece is helping other countries, such as Italy, which are also affected by major fires. It seems that this radical restructuring of Civil Protection, the operation, at last, of 112, the new means that have been secured, the timely planning, all these things are working. But I want to stress that August remains a difficult month. Already meteorologists are warning us that we could be facing another major prolonged heatwave by the end of next week. That is why it is important that all of us, all the services of the State, remain on full alert until the fire season is officially over.


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