Lift your mood in the salon!!!! 8 tips.


Open, close, reopen…. Summer has come and we here at the salon, strive for the best for our beloved clients. We went through stress, panic, boredom… now we are back to our daily routine and routine.

How’s our mood, with all we’ve been through lately?

Here are 8 tips to keep you in a good mood every day, away from negative energy.

1.Try to give yourself time without your mobile phone. Let your people know that at certain times of the day, there is “phone-free time” and live your life without being affected by irrelevant calls, notifications and issues that are not of that time. Close apps and turn off notifications. When you are in the salon deal with specific issues… when you are at home with other things. Separate it!!!!

2.There is an application, very interesting for those involved in the hair industry, which with its attractive and colorful visuals, can not only cheer you up, but also organize you. Trello is an application where you can manage commitments online, create and share many things with your colleagues.

3. Keep noteand a short programme of the day. Find a nice colourful preferably colourful diary and write down each day, how you are, what you feel, whether you ate well, whether you exercised, etc. You can do a reward face, every night. Do you think that’s silly? Try it, see how happy and proud you will feel of yourself, giving yourself even such a small but essential reward!!!!

4. Everyone likes evolution. With so much online education available at the moment, you can learn something different every day, so make the most of your time. Many times, it’s not just the education itself, but the feeling of human interaction, communication and that we are easily moving forward. “

5. Use the Headspace app for guided meditation and within a month you will see a different, much better you. You will be brought down to earth in your reality in a very calm and truly meaningful way.

6. In the same diary mentioned above, make notes of all the good things you may learn during the day. By writing them down, you will not forget anything and this will give you strength and joy when you read them again.

7. You are a hairdresser, can your hair be classic and not special? Put a touch of color at the roots, on the ends, in a highlight, in the bangs or wherever else you want. This little crazy hair will make you happy whenever you look in the mirror.

8. Don’t forget to read. By reading, you travel at least for a while to destinations and situations that you have chosen through your book.


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