Learn not to stress about your weight!


I cut to the chase and ask, “How much do you weigh? How many were you supposed to be? How much would you like to be?

Whether you’re chubby, thin, have excess or even less than normal weight, you should know that it’s how you feel that matters.

Because many times…. our thickness, our beauty!!! It doesn’t matter how much weight you are and I can prove to you how right I am. Haven’t you seen chubby women with style, grace, confidence and lots of fans? Haven’t you seen gorgeous, fit women with sexy bodies and yet alone, full of psyche? The important thing in all matters is to be able to make peace with your body and love you exactly as you are, unless of course we are talking about problematic, unhealthy bodies, in which case you might have to love yourself and go to a doctor!!

We are in the middle of summer, after a long, fatiguing quarantine.

Did you know that according to an American study, quarantine increased malnutrition by 35% and emotional overeating by 25%? Also over the base, 61% of the population appears to have gained weight. Are you in that 61%?

1. You definitely have positives. Find them!
If you have a few more pounds, I assume you have enviable breasts. If you’re thin you can probably wear whatever you want very easily. Look in the mirror, focus and find the good parts of your body. You know she has people who are so fat they can’t hug their loved one? Do you know that there are thin people who want to get fat and can’t because of a serious illness? You are lucky to have the body you have…remember that!

2. Understand what you have passed!

Do you realize what we’ve been through and what we’re all going through? You have to realize that it is reasonable for your body to have some fluctuation if you have been through a quarantine. Consider that in addition to dietary habits, he changed general habits, schedules and sometimes lifestyle. Try to be lenient with him and with yourself.

3. Listen to your body

Your body speaks to you. Relax and listen to its needs. Many times we get to the point of eating before we are hungry, going for coffee for company rather than because we want to have coffee and generally doing what we want without listening to our body. So next time, eat at the time when your body and your body asks for food. Drink water or whatever when you need hydration. Rest and sleep when you feel tired, not when your circumstances allow. Your energy fluctuates accordingly… and you can tell if you get into that process. If you can create a relationship of understanding and love with your body, you will see the difference….!!!

4. Your own body vs. all others

First of all, let me remind you that Instagram and many other applications can change and refine in a photo , all the imperfections of your face or body.
If you don’t do it, it doesn’t mean that all those goddesses you see and admire on social media don’t do it either. We have to accept that we can’t all have model bodies and let me tell you something? We don’t even want to!! Do not compare your body with any other body. Not actors, not singers, not the neighbor’s neighbor, not anyone. Does your neighbor have your best spot?

5. Learn proper nutrition and don’t diet!

How many of your friends and acquaintances, or even yourself, have been trying forever to diet and lose those 5.6 pounds that have been bothering you? Don’t stress your body, your body and yourself with diets. If you don’t know, find a nutritionist and find out through her what you need to add or remove from your daily routine, so that you can always eat healthy and properly without stressing out at certain times of your life. And can I tell you a secret? The times I’ve thought about going on a diet, I’ve ended up thinking more about what I’m going to eat and how much I’ve missed sweets, burgers, pizzas, pasta and everything else that was forbidden in my diet.

6. Walking, swimming, running, dog walking.

Many options. See what you like and put it in your schedule. According to research, nature, trees, mountains or the sea can relax you and cheer you up.
With a good mood, you also have a positive attitude towards life. How else can you have energy? If you find it difficult to find nature in the centre of Athens. Go to at least one gym.
What activity would cheer you up? I walk with my dog in the sea. Maria prefers a walk in the nearby park. George loves swimming and skiing. Kostas loves mountain climbing and Sofia loves yoga and dancing.


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