Journey into the world of Digital Hair Academy


When I started Digital Hair Academy, I couldn’t even see this path at the time. Now, online courses have become part of our everyday life.
Every day in progress, every day that reminds nothing of yesterday.

For 25 years I have been doing research and implementing hairdressing lines.

For several years, I carried exactly the hairdressing lines of France, until I went over to the creation and today I hold the title of Creative Director of Haute Coiffure Francaise Hellas, High Hairdressing Greece.
It is something that has stolen my heart. To create images inspired by fashion trends.

HCF Hellas, Stage of the Greek National Opera

Indeed, the material I have created in the academy is not random.
It is based on the basic knowledge that a hairdresser must have in order to feel confident about evening and bridal hairstyling. Attention we never talk about one hairstyle but we talk about pillars, which means 12 hairstyle bases.

I created the material on the hairdressers and through their quests.
Targeted steps to achieve the results you want quickly and easily.
Always with quality in mind!

The training at Digital Hair Academy

The Digital Hair Academy training is something very new and it is understandable that it is difficult to understand how you can participate in this new type of training.
After all, it’s so easy, fast and accessible training that it will win your heart on the first try!
This is because I have designed it with care, patience, love and above all respect towards the student and our art.

The first 20 hairdressers who joined our online Academy were top hair artists.
A demanding audience for first time students, but I received so much love and they followed the program like beginners with enthusiasm and willingness.
In fact, an unexpected audience, but today I thank them from the heart and I will always do so, because I have created something extraordinary in them that I challenge you to get to know.

What’s in it for you?

First, the creation and transmission of knowledge is invaluable.
You save effort, time and money! You invest in yourself and not only yourself.
Investing in your skills, in your team, in your work.
And the investment will give you an immediate return on your investment because we’re talking about a creative service that has a different price.
It upgrades your level of service, so you price it differently now!


Today’s investment will give you an immediate payoff and not just now, but for the rest of your life.
After completing the 12 courses you are a bridal expert.
You can now create your own collection!

The training at Digital Hair Academy, has no end.
Every month, new creations are added to the equation, always inspired by the daily evolution of fashion.
Inspiration never stops!

The surprises never end and that’s because I only follow my emotion, passion and imagination. You will find that you too will be swept along by this creative wave. It is the mood and joy that lead us to new projects.

I invite you into my world.
I wish to offer you a journey that you will not want to end, because we aim for the basics of hairstyles. Knowledge that is always up-to-date, transforms and changes according to trends.

My mission?

To take knowledge from the world’s greatest hairdressers and bring you everything new, modern and commercial. A role I have loved and served for years. So, I can enter your space with the incredible ease that the digital age offers us, so that we can experience artistic moments together.
With love from me to you!

I want to close with a big thank you to my students, who help me to progress, in the art that never ends.
I am grateful for the life that offers me joys and respectfully offer you.

Go to the link and register your interest and we will give you more information!


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