Is your salon sustainable enough?


The term “sustainability” has evolved from a buzzword to a meaningful way of life. You too can make your salon sustainable,
with a number of positive initiatives that you could easily experiment with.

Control on the salon’s products

Investigate the products you store and use in the salon, where the products come from, whether packaging is necessary and consider whether you could offer customers a refill option for your retail products.

The ecological hairdresser

Do what you can to reduce energy use (especially reduce hot water, turn off the tap and if you can
to get out of your existing energy contract, the top tip is to switch to a green energy supplier.
Their prices are competitive and this way you will achieve a huge reduction in your carbon footprint.

The Salon of Sustainable Incentives

It is necessary for all people to make their own effort for zero waste.
So get your team involved from the beginning and ask them to come up with their own ideas.
Don’t try to do everything at once, but consider small changes,
such as sending customer receipts via email instead of printing them.

Put your staff in the sustainability “game”

Take the time and effort to create sustainable systems and put someone in charge of monitoring them.
So encourage your team to come up with ideas to make it a fun and positive experience for everyone.

The sustainable design salon

Make a conscious effort to understand how you affect the environment, small things like disposable towels
and plastic shampoo bottles, have a big impact when we are in such a large industry,
so every little effort helps.
Ask your energy provider to carry out an energy audit in your salon
and give you some suggestions to help it.

How easy is the transition to a sustainable salon and where to start?

You can’t become sustainable overnight, but if your light bulbs need changing,
choose energy efficient ones to replace them.
When you run out of foil, invest in paper.
All these small changes will quickly become a big step and turn your business into a sustainable one.


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