Is hairdressing the right profession for me?

profession hairdressing

Is hairdressing the right profession for me?

This is a question we all asked ourselves at the time of the big decision.
Deciding which profession we will marry into for the rest of our lives.

Let’s go back a bit…

I remember myself, 29 years ago, when I had to decide what profession I would do for a living.
I was so confused in my mind that it was impossible for me to settle on the one and only.

The only thing I was sure of was that what I wanted to do would have something to do with the art world, with the world of beauty and fashion.
Looking back to that period, I remember the lovely Michel Kefalas, who was to become my mentor, asking me if I loved hairdressing.
I really didn’t know what to answer because I had no previous experience of this particular sport/profession.
But, in the very next two months of my contact with this wonderful industry, the decision was final and irrevocable:
Hairdressing was the art that suited me 100%.

In the meantime…

So let’s see what this profession requires of the person who chooses it:

First of all it should be artistic in nature.
It is no coincidence that most hairdressers were good painters in their childhood.

To have a sense of harmony of shapes and colours.

In addition, he should enjoy creating and realizing his ideas.

Love people and like to bring out the best in them.

Finally, what helps a lot to flourish in a salon is to be outgoing and communicative.

I hope I have helped…

I hope, through my personal experience, that I have helped you a little bit as you are now thinking about your professional orientation. But also you, who are taking your first steps in the hairdressing business.
I believe, that most of my colleagues will identify with my advice and I wish you good luck!

Oh, and one last thing: Patience and perseverance.
This duo, along with a relentless desire to learn, will give you the wings to excel in the most beautiful profession in the world!


Yannos Mindilonitis


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