Inspired by the Greek Revolution, the Vogue photo shoot in Halkidiki [pics]


An unusual landscape with a wild beauty in the islets of Drenia, opposite Ammouliani, was chosen a few weeks ago by the people of Vogue Greece for a fashion shoot inspired by the Greek Revolution.

During the break, the production team found that they had visitors, as the famous Spanish photographer Niko Bustos, official photographer of L’oreal and Lancome, with the famous model Meghan Roche, spontaneously entered the shot with some … goats, permanent residents of the island.

The enthusiasm of the team was great and the result was reflected on the cover of Vogue, where the ultimate Greek summer is starring, along with authentic pieces from Greek collections of the 19th century and clothes of Greek and foreign famous designers.

It was a very nice coincidence that these animals were on the island and happened to pass by the tree next to which the photo shoot was taking place. They came near us to stand in the shade and eat some of the fruit we were eating. So they were involved in one of the happiest clicks we could make“, says the director of Vogue Greece, Thalia Karafyllidou, to add: “For me, this particular cover is all of Greece, the beautiful clothes we have from Greek and foreign designers in a landscape that is absolutely Greek“.

Preparation started in April

The preparation for the photo shoot had begun in April, in collaboration with film office of the Region of Central Macedonia and the Tourist Organization of Halkidiki, while the starting point for the choice of Halkidiki was, apart from the promotion of fashion trends and the promotion of the beauty of the region along with the promotion of the way in which Greece, two hundred years after the Revolution, inspires Greek and foreign creators.

This was followed by the procedures for the issuance of the necessary permits and the consultations of the Tourist Organization with the hotels that undertook the hospitality of the team and the transfer of the crews by watercraft to the islands where the photo shoots took place.

The Marketing Director of the Agency, Tania Akritidou, said in a statement to APE that: “Initially, three people from the Vogue production team visited various places in Halkidiki for the shoot and the selection of the locations where the photo shoot would take place. Then arrived in late May in the area, the model, the photographer and the rest of the eight-member team of Vogue and the process started from the closest destinations, initially in the third leg of Halkidiki, Ouranoupoli, Ammouliani and Drenia and then in the second leg, Sithonia and especially Vourvourou and the islet of Diaporos.“.

As for the impressions of the landscape and the process, Ms. Akritidou states that: “The variety of locations, among which one could choose the right area for a photo shoot, was impressive.” For her part, Ms. Karafyllidou notes that: “Whatimpressed the professionals from abroad most was how friendly and helpful the local people were, with a strong desire to help and the great generosity that characterizes Greeks.”

It was also an opportunity for them to get to know Halkidiki, which they did not know until now.

The covers on the official Vogue account worldwide

The production lasted four days in total and the result will be presented to the public next Sunday in the Vogue Greece edition, along with a multi-page travel tribute by Yannis Papadimitriou to the routes of Halkidiki. There are three covers with photos from the production in Halkidiki, as part of Vogue’s usual global policy of showing different moods, different places and different designers. One cover shows the Meghan Roche from the IMG family which also includes Bella and Gigi Hadid. She poses by the tree, in Drenia, wearing Dior creations, clearly inspired by ancient Greece, and an exquisite belt, a museum piece from Christina Jamala’s collection. On the second cover the model is photographed in the turquoise waters in a Zeus+Dione dress, while the third cover is the black and white photo with clothes by Giorgos Eleftheriadis and the characteristic presence of the …goats of the island. Moreover, authentic 19th century pieces from the collection of Victoria Karellia’s clothing collection in the Peloponnese were used in the photo shoot.

Apart from the edition that will be released in Greece, the director of Vogue Greece announces that: “These covers will be “uploaded” to the official Vogue account worldwide, which has some millions of followers, so Halkidiki will be in the foreground and will be seen by millions of eyes“. He also notes that this action is in line with other initiatives that have been implemented recently, such as the large-scale production with the Antonio Banderas, in collaboration with the Film Office of Central Macedonia, but also the show of Dior at Kallimarmaro which presented our country in the best possible way.

The photos “smell” of summer

For his part, the head of Tourism of the Region of Central Macedonia, Alexandros Thanos, comments that: “The photos “smell” summer and capture the photogenic, summer image of Halkidiki in one of the most recognizable and high aesthetic fashion publications, Vogue Greece, inviting its readers to visit it“. He also points out that the Film Office of the Region “not only invites and challenges such productions, but also networks them with the local economy, so that the region can gain extroversion and showcase all its characteristics in the most realistic way“.

It’s very nice to get into a process and show other parts of Greece and that’s what we intend to doin the future,” Ms Karafyllidou pledges. As he says, “the next islands and the rest of Greece have already been booked for the next photo shoots“.

We can’t mention anything yet, because the September cover is a top secret. But it’s on a very well known island in Greece and I think it’s going to be very impressive.“, he adds.

Attached are the photos of the Vogue covers (credits @voguegreece) provided by Vogue Greece and photos from behind the scenes of the photo shoot in Halkidiki (credits @Mediaworld productions) provided by the Film Office of the Region of Central Macedonia to RES - RES


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