I’m looking for new staff at the salon

I'm looking for new staff at the salon

Today we are already two years after the start of the pandemic, a major problem facing
the owners of hairdressing salons is the difficulty of finding staff.

In this article, we will analyse why this happens and provide some solutions to this problem.

New generation

The young generation is very dynamic in demanding their rights at work.
They are looking for their labour rights regarding working hours, seniority, holidays, minimum wage
to which they are entitled and all related matters.
On the contrary, salon owners, usually older than the former and having lived through more difficult working times, cannot understand the former.
That is, they do not understand why when they offer a job, it is not responded to and even
and when young people come in for interviews they don’t get picked.

Work opportunities & flexibility

The young person has either recently graduated from school or is looking to gain experience while attending school,
will greatly appreciate the flexibility in hours that a freelance, freelancer-type job can provide.
That is, it will compare the hours of 8, 10 or 12 hour staff with the provision of home hairdressing services.
The salon that manages to offer autonomy and flexible working hours solutions will somehow “win”
the attention of the younger generation more.

How should the salon owner deal with it?

Approaching new

Initially, a good tactic is for the salon owner to reach out to new staff where the new generation is.
Such spaces include social media as well as online job platforms.

Incentives to work

These may include a friendly atmosphere within the company, flexibility in working hours, availability for part-time work
and the continuous training that he can provide for the young person.

Attractive package

The younger generation loves the internet.
So, it’s good to have a website, and social media, where you will promote both the business site, the team,
but also the wide range of customers and the techniques used.
So if someone searches your salon after posting your ad and finds it attractive,
increases the chances of them contacting you and coming in for an interview.

For a diagnostic session with Occupational Psychologist Jennie Kamaradou to examine together the needs of your team
and how you can cover them press here or read our article on employee management .


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