I don’t want to do gymnastics!

I don't want to do gymnastics hairdressingnews mycitycoach

Ah, but why should gymnastics be so tiring?! You run, you lift weights, you do push-ups… And it’s not just the exercises that are difficult. Before all that, you have to make up your mind! – Get up, change, put on leggings, pack the bag, get out of the house (and it’s cold outside, brr)… Oh, and then you have to change again, come back, shower… I’m tired just thinking about it!

And I totally understand when you don’t feel like exercising!

So what is going on that we have so much resistance to training?

The secret

I’ll let you in on a secret. When we exercise we exceed ourselves… twice! The first time is when we get up from our seat and prepare for exercise. And the second time when we perform the exercises.


In Life Coaching we pay great attention to the perception of our individual actions. Here we distinguished two actions – the “before” and the “training” itself. Let’s look at each one individually.

Before the gymnastics

Here the obstacle is psychological. We have resistance to the fatigue that awaits us. The brain protects you and will do anything to avoid fatigue. At this point determination is the key. The first thought of doubt will be your cue to get out of your seat and prepare for the workout. No second thoughts. Period.

The training

Here the fatigue is physical. If you’re exercising alone, make a programme that suits your current capabilities. And adapt it gradually. If you’re working with a coach, agree on a balanced programme. If you don’t feel comfortable with the exercises, let your coach know. Your health and safety is first and foremost!


Exercise does not only mean fatigue. It is an act of self-care and development. When we realize what really tires us in this process, everything becomes easier. And the fact that we exceed ourselves twice means that both times we win!

Good luck!


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