How to improve the management of your salon staff


Salon managers have a lot to manage in their daily lives.
One of their duties is to observe the performance of the salon staff and motivate the team.

Below are some tips for ensuring you maintain a strong team with high productivity.

Application of formal procedures instead of micro-management

Micromanagement is one of the most common mistakes of salon managers, as it is very tempting to have
someone in control of every detail.

Instead of telling each team member exactly what you want and how to do it, try to create procedures
containing guidance, training and clear expectations/objectives.

Trust in your team.
This will give them the space to take responsibility.
It can also lead to greater creativity and higher productivity.
Remember that our sense of autonomy and our ability to make choices and create outcomes,
secretes a hormone, dopamine, which creates a feeling of contentment and euphoria!

Offer training to your team

Training should not only be for new members.
A successful salon must constantly strive to improve.
This happens through the professional development of his team.
A great way to motivate your staff is also motivation,
which can include exciting training opportunities.
Many of your suppliers offer free training on their products.
Take advantage of it!

You can also start a skills “exchange” programme to encourage
the members of the team to learn from each other.
The best way to learn something is to teach it!

Investing in team bonding

A strong team culture will create happier employees, happier customers and
less stressed owners.

Consider doing “bonding exercises” for the group, such as games or competitions.
You can also participate, as a company, you and your team, in a voluntary activity,
that would interest you or an art competition.
When the team has a strong identity and a common purpose, job satisfaction is much higher.

Treating salon staff equally

In a professional environment the manager cannot have better friends or loved ones.
Make sure you are fair and consistent with discipline, rewards and evaluation to the whole team.
Officials immediately understand any discrimination and it certainly doesn’t work in favor of team bonding.

Remember that a sense of justice is one of the most basic needs of workers for
a high level of psychological safety and job satisfaction.

Room for compassion too

Even if your management style thrives on harshness, it’s worth being kind.
There will be many occasions when you will need to listen to the feelings of your staff and
do your best to help solve a problem.
Also, make an effort to have the role of “advocate” and “coach” at the same time.

Praise success and also guide for improvement in what needs to be improved.
Sometimes the staff may come to you because they need to talk,
and that’s a very good sign of how good a job you’re doing!

In conclusion, personnel management happens, both with logic and with emotion.
So every salon manager must learn to combine them.
Management and staff development is a whole science and requires training.

Salon Proactive


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