How to give volume to my hair?


How to give volume to my hair?

Yes, I know you are disgusted with this perennial problem.
But I’m here to help you, you fool!

Hair for women is the ultimate fetish.
And I know very well how bad you feel when you can’t “do well” as we say.
You want to take care of them but no one has told you how.
You wish you always had a professional in your house.
You would want him to take care of you when you wash your hair or when you’ve given up on your hair struggle. Yes, yes, I feel you!

The first thing you have to do is to understand the problem you are facing.

I don’t have a tumor.
I want to give volume.
I want it now.

Is this tumor good?

Then find the solutions that will make you say HELLO!

What kind of hair do you have?
Many but no volume at the roots?
A few minutes?
Broken and frizzy but the roots won’t take root?
Straight toe?


But you can’t make this diagnosis on your own.

Go to the salon you trust and ask to discuss your hair and the issue you are facing.
Your hairdresser is the one to talk to. He will guide you first of all to the right haircut and then to the right daily care of your hair .

Some ideas you can apply are:

1 Watch the shampoo you shampoo with! Always buy good products that serve the “problem” and not because they are well known or because they smell good.

2 You NEVER forget the conditioner because you think it weighs your hair down. Don’t put conditioner on the root but only on the tips!

3 Before drying your hair, apply a product to the roots that will “harden” it like foam. Also some soft hold paste or a spray product that helps volume the root.

4 Dry your hair upside down. At the same time when you are at an 80% dry spray the roots with some hairspray.

5 Do not comb your hair after drying. Try to use your fingers to smooth only the edges.
Or with a brush if you want to straighten them a bit but again only on the edges.

6 Ideally the hair is kept a little more “fluffy” if you make it curly with scissors (be careful with heat tools).

7 Another solution is to make a form in your hair! You’ll always be styled with the volume you love so much!

8 Last but not least none of the above can work if you don’t have the right haircut. Talk to your hairdresser! Find solutions through beautiful haircuts that give volume such as frames or shag that are also in fashion!

I wish you good luck and I look forward to you finally telling me which of these things you did!

Calliope Veniou


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