How to get dazzling skin


If you want to keep your facial skin glowing and youthful, you should not forget to take care of it daily, properly and regularly. Therefore, read 5 key points in the care that the particularly sensitive skin on the face needs in order to remain smooth.

By following these simple tips, you will even manage to minimize any wrinkles that start to appear.

1. Facial cleansing

Proper facial cleansing is a must. The skin of the face consists of several layers. For example, there is the outer layer which contains various dead cells, fatty substances and dirt that need to be removed. Proper facial cleansing should be done with special facial cleansing products and should be done daily. So, rinse your face every night with facial cleansing soaps to remove dirt and extra oils. It is advisable to exfoliate the face once a week in order to remove dead cells and not to irritate the skin. Before exfoliating, you can expose your face to steam so that the pores open and dirt and extra oil can be better removed. To do this, boil water in a pot. Then put your face on the steam coming out of the water (at a safe distance so you don’t burn yourself). Wait a few minutes so that the skin pores open up.

Proper facial cleansing briefly includes the following steps:

  • Cleansing with facial soap (once every day).
  • Face the steam from a safe distance (before exfoliation).
  • Exfoliate your face with an exfoliating cream (once a week).

2. Facial hydration

Hydration of the facial skin is also very important. You should hydrate your facial skin from the inside out and from the outside in. For hydration from the inside out, it is advisable to consume 8 glasses of water every day. To moisturise from the outside in you can apply a moisturising face cream or a moisturising serum.

In summary, good facial hydration includes:

  • Hydration from the inside out (drinking 8 glasses of water daily)
  • Moisturize from the outside in (moisturizing face cream daily and moisturizing face serum at times when you notice that your face is dehydrated).

3. Protection of the face

The protection of the face from external conditions plays a very essential role in the “quality” of the skin. Solar radiation causes premature aging of the skin and therefore it is recommended to wear sunscreen on all sunny days in both summer and winter. You should also avoid walking in places where air pollution is very high because it can also cause a lot of problems for your skin. Proper and complete protection of your skin includes limiting the consumption of large amounts of alcohol because it causes dehydration. It is also advisable to limit or even stop smoking because it causes premature aging of the skin and wrinkles.

In short, proper protection of the face from external conditions includes:

  • Use sunscreen on sunny days to limit solar radiation.
  • Avoiding air pollution (as far as possible).
  • Limiting the consumption of large amounts of alcohol to limit dehydration.
  • Stop smoking to reduce premature ageing and wrinkles.

“It is advisable to exfoliate the face once a week so that the dead cells are removed and the skin is not irritated”

4. Sleep

You’ve probably heard the expression: ‘Sleep nourishes the skin‘. This expression is absolutely true. During sleep your facial skin is “regenerated” and that is why it is very important to get 8 hours of sleep every night (for adult women). It is also important to sleep at the right times. So go to bed early every night and see your face glow every morning.

5. Nutrition

Your facial skin, to keep it smooth, soft and elastic, needs to receive daily the necessary nutrients and vitamins. The best way to do this is to eat fresh fruit and vegetables. Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, fibre and various other herbal ingredients and can make your face look brighter than ever. So eat fresh fruit and vegetables and you won’t lose. If you want you can apply a daily face cream with vitamins and nutrients to help nourish your skin even more.

For the proper nourishment of your face you need:

  • Consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables daily.
  • Daily use of a face cream with vitamins and nutrients.


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