How much free time do you actually have?

How much free time do you actually have hairdressingnews mycitycoach

Today I want to do some math!
And see how much free time you have (or could have) in your daily life to use it accordingly.

How much time is there in your day?

First, let’s do an exercise in simple mathematics.
There are 24 hours in the day.
Calculate how many hours you need for your basic needs – sleep, rest, food, basic self-care – in a day
and subtract that number from 24.
He also removed another hour as a “reserve” (and we will discuss this later).
How many free hours are left?
Let’s call this number “BASE“, as it will be your basis for the rest of the calculations below.

Example. Let’s say you need 10 hours in your day for basic needs + 1 hour as a “reserve”.
Your BASE equals 13 hours (= 24 – 10 – 1).

Work and joy.

We continue our calculations.

How many hours do you need for work including your commute each day?
Remove these hours from the BASE. And that’s how you get your net free hours for the days you work.
E .g. You work 8 hours a day and need 2 hours to get there and back.
If your BASE is equal to 13 hours, the rest of your free hours on the days you work is 3 hours (= 13 – 8 – 2).

On days when you are not working, (weekends or days off), your free hours are equal to the BASE.


We have just seen how your net free hours are formed for the days you work and the days you have off.
So, during these hours, you can plan any extra activities you wish.
These are the times foryourbig plans“, as you can devote yourself completely to an activity for a certain amount of time.

Just because you spend 10 hours at work and 10 hours on basic needs, does not mean that they do not fit into those hours.
and other micro-activities!
You can also make the most of this time by combining 2 things together.
For example, you can listen to music or watch the news while you’re cooking or call your friend when you get home from work.

Why don’t I mess with the “stock” and why is the BASE important?

We often tend to fill up the schedule and get stressed when there is “time pressure“.
So to avoid this pressure, make sure you have a “reserve” of time in your day.

Your BASE is also very important as your body has some basic needs (such as sleep)
the satisfaction of which is the prerequisite for a healthy living.

Do you end up having any free time in your day or do you run around and don’t have time?
Let me tell you how to get 25 hours in your day !

With love,


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