Healthy hair this summer!


Healthy hair this summer too!

How are you going to do that?

How will you get away with a brave haircut in September?

All you have to keep in mind is the motto “I’m careful to have”.

You’ll do it all!

And you’re going to take a bath and get your hair wet.
It’s all in the program.
You just have to be a little focused as far as preserving quality.

You know… it all starts and ends in the hair scales.
Summer, you’ll tell me, and scales go with the package. But that’s not what I mean.

The surface of the hair is covered by many layers of scales.

So when the scales are opened mechanically or naturally and we do not take care to close them again, the so-called wear and tear occurs.
Not only that but that’s where the endless tangling of hair starts.

So that your beloved September doesn’t arrive and you go to the hairdresser with tears in your eyes and knots in your hair,
I would just ask you to make sure that you moisturize your hair a little more now in the summer.

Take care of your hair with the right products as I have written in a previous article and most importantly?

Rinsing after the dive, either in the sea or in a pool!

What if you’re blonde? Your eyes 14 😉

Have a nice dive!

Calliope Veniou


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