Hairdressing terminology


Hairdressing terminology for the person visiting the salon is often a pain in the ass.
Perhaps you belong to this category, my dear!
Hairdressing terminology is something that should not be stressful since you are not required to learn it yourself.
Of course you are not called upon to memorize it.
And why is that?
Because you don’t need it.

It’s some incomprehensible French that confuses you and you don’t understand the result you’re going to get.
Many times in your attempt to show that you know what you want there are several mistakes in communication. The hairdresser thinks you are explaining what you really want, resulting in the wrong result.
Here the responsibility is twofold…

Your responsibility

You want to pretend you know the outcome you want.
And if you really know it, why do you have to explain it in a complicated way?
Why do you have to take the risk of a wrong direction in order to become a connoisseur?
I should point out here that 99,9999% of the time your hairdresser speaks Greek just like you.
So you speak the same language…
Degree of difficulty in communication = 0
Explain in simple terms what you want, without making it complicated.
Avoid jargon and complicated words!
Describe it, show pictures of the results you like.
Show results you don’t like.
It’s something that will help just as much!

The hairdresser’s responsibility

The hairdresser is to blame for not confirming that you really know what you are asking for.
You said one word… So what?
How can he be sure you really know what it means?
It is not.
It is also good for us professionals to be a little more analytical and explain without misunderstanding.
The person who trusts us has learned a new word and wants to tell us!
What’s wrong with that? Nowhere!
It is good, my dear colleague, to confirm that he learned this little word correctly.
What he told you, he told you…
But are you sure he knows what it means?
Confirm by asking questions and explaining at the same time.
Show, draw mentally with your hands and be analytical.
So even if he’s got it wrong, it doesn’t matter.
You’ve explained it now and you’ve come to a good understanding about whether it actually fits the face and style.
It’s nice to “educate” the people who trust you.
This way, you will slowly learn more and more new words and you will communicate beautifully!

Communicate beautifully, with simple words and pictures.
You, my dear, don’t have to play the bright omniscient!
You, colleague, take some time to explain in simple terms to the person who has trusted you, what suits him.

Who is the use of hairdressing terminology, after all?

Hairdressing terminology is mainly for hairdressers.
We professionals need to know it.
First of all, so that we can communicate with each other.
Secondly, to be able to attend a training seminar that is useful for our development.

My kisses!!!! 😘

Where else can you find me?


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