Hair treatments (episode 1)



How many of you consider a mask you saw in an advertisement promising miracles to be enough? How many of you have believed that using the shampoo you constantly see on TV, after drying, your hair will be like the models who pose so gracefully in front of the camera?
And finally? Were they right? Were these products really that good?
I wonder why it wasn’t as effective on your hair?
Is it your hair? Did you not use them as you should have?
Was the water you used not at the right temperature?
Is it because you had stuffing yesterday?!!!

The answer is definitely NO!!! And deep down you know it!

Companies pay a lot of money in advertising for one reason only.
To make a profit!

Because on the shelves, there are so many products that you must in every way draw your eye (and hand) to their products.

But when it comes to treatments one thing is for sure!
That you should go to the doctor first before you end up at the pharmacy!

And as far as your hair is concerned, the doctor is your hairdresser.
A correct diagnosis will be made in the salon. Your hairdresser is the one who knows your history (and if it’s your first visit, he’s the one who will take your history) and will suggest a comprehensive treatment according to your needs!

And here we are talking about integrated treatments.

Because some need shine, others need hydration. Some have oily skin, others have dry skin. Some want to give volume to their hair, others want to smooth their curls. Some need reconstruction with lipids, others with hyaluronic acid!

Only with the advice of a specialist will the right solution be given according to your needs.
And you can be sure that in this case, you will get the result you are looking for.

That’s why we are called hair experts! Because we are the experts for everything concerning your hair!!!!❤️

In the next article we will get to know the basic categories of treatments!And believe me…they work!!!!

With love and appreciation Demetra Karambela.

Follow my page here: HAIR and MORE Artworks by Karampela Dimitra | Facebook

and Dimitra Karampela (@dkhairartworks)


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