Hair press. To call or not to call?


This unknown hair press!

I’m 100% sure there is definitely a press in your drawer right now.
As I’m even more sure you found it easy to use.
Oh, no!

So 10 minutes after purchase you started straightening your hair with your favourite press without tomorrow.
And from then on you became inseparable and hair unrecognizable. (Except for a small minority who actually know how to use it properly).

So let’s take a quick look at how to use your hair press correctly:

▪︎Χρησιμοποίησέ in moderation. Not every day, not morning, noon, evening!!!! It is not an antibiotic.

▪︎Μόνο after 100% dry hair.

▪︎Μόνο after using heat protection products.

▪︎Η its temperature at 180max. You don’t want to learn how to fry.

▪︎Με measure the passages. You don’t do keratin, you just want to “smooth out” the frizz.

▪︎Ιδανικά if your hair is curly, first go through it with the blow dryer and brush and finally with the press.

▪︎Με calm the passages but not so much as to burn them. You should not stay in the same spot for more than 1 second.

▪︎Να always buy with a temperature setting so you can choose the right one.

▪︎Να you give a little more to get a good product. Don’t feel sorry for them, it’s your hair.
I suppose you’ll want them for years to come. They are also available with steam now which are clearly much better!

▪︎Μην you let friends, acquaintances and relatives do your hair with a press if you have not “trained” them properly after reading this article.

▪︎Όλα need measure. And if you don’t keep it I know very well what will happen. And if the unspeakable (oh heavens) hair burn happens (pretend you didn’t hear that) then the only thing that saves you is a haircut.

Don’t take this great tool lightly!

Excellent tools in inexperienced hands can be disastrous!

Listen to Calliope and you won’t miss!

I’ve cut my own pressed hair…ooh…

Don’t be another one on the list!

Love your hair and show it respect!

You can remember if you want the 14 rules for healthy hair here:

Till next time

Calliope Veniou


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