Hair loss Q&A! Answers to your questions!


Hair loss Q&A! Answers to your questions!

8 out of 10 clients who visit me at the salon complain that they have an issue with hair loss.
I, in turn, try to reassure them! The aim is to diagnose if the hair loss is within the normal range or if there is a health reason…

So here are the most frequently asked questions I get about Hair Loss!
I am sure that some of your questions about the most HOT topic of our time will be solved…

Let’s go!!!!

Q: How many hairs do we have on our scalp?

A: The total number of hairs located on the scalp is 100,000-150,000.

Q: How many hairs is it normal to fall out every day?

A: It is perfectly normal to lose 50 to 100 hairs a day. In place of the lost hair, new hairs grow in exactly the same follicle…RECYCLABLE

Q: How long is the life cycle of a hair and what is its life span?

A: The hair life cycle lasts from two to six years. So it is normal for the “old” hair to leave its place and a new one to replace it.
The hair has three life phases.:
Regenerative, catagenic and telogen, in which the hair grows and is replaced over and over again.

Q: What is alopecia?

A: Alopecia is a disease of unknown etiology. The lack or thinning of head hair due to falling is observed.
Alopecia have forms such as:
Diffuse hair loss from the entire scalp.
Pollen alopecia which affects people from 5-30 years of age and usually coexists with autoimmune diseases.
The androgenetic alopecia due to the effect of androgens i.e. testosterone and its result is baldness.
Total alopecia where there is total loss of all hair on the head, eyebrows and eyelashes.

Q: What are the most common causes of hair loss?

A: Anaemia, ageing, heredity, physical or mental stress and hormonal changes. Also, skin diseases, drug overdose, exhaustive diets, autoimmune diseases.

Q: How can I treat hair loss?

A: Pay special attention to your diet . Choose whole foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Protect your hair by brushing it gently and avoid hairstyles that require pulled hair.

Q: Does the hairdresser have the possibility to advise his/her client(s) about hair that is “threatened”?

S: Sure, because the hairdresser is the qualified hair consultant. He will guide his client to the right choice of ammonia-free dye or color shampoo,. He/she will also suggest shampoos and hair care products that inhibit hair loss. Products that act to improve the quality of new hair and density.

Q: I recently contracted COVID-19 and have seen a lot of hair loss, is it the virus?

A: As mentioned above, a serious cause of hair loss is a state of intense stress. Without being absolutely certain that it is related to the pandemic, published studies report that hair loss is one of the most commonly reported persistent symptoms of patients who have been ill.

Q: And when is the time for someone who still has hair loss to visit a dermatologist?

S: When the problem still exists despite the improvement in what we mentioned. In the diet, in specialized scalp care products and lifestyle. Then, you should make an appointment with a qualified dermatologist.

Sissy Visvardi

The HairXpert by Ioanna and Sissy


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