Grab her by the hair…


Grab her by the hair…

This is a long conversation we’re opening…

I never fully believed in luck! But she, too, unfortunately, plays her part.

How many times have you not been presented with an opportunity before you and not grabbed it by the hair?

How many times did you catch her?

But Opportunity as a genuine female either escaped you, or you conquered it!

Did you ever wonder how it came about?!

Here, me!
You found your man, I’ll solve everything!

Greek mythology is ma-yi-ki!
I like to read it to my son and we present it as a fairy tale …

Once upon a time you say…

According to the genius Lysippus, it was the Weather, a God who represented time, or more correctly the right favourable moment!

Weather, in the myth, was a young and winged man, holding a pair of scales in his hand.

With wings on his legs and his back full, wings that imply that the favorable weather, the Opportunity That is, it flies!

And what do I mean by “flies”?

It appears suddenly, when you least expect it my friend and it leaves soooo fast that we have to be ready to catch it! When it passes and you’re asleep…let it go!

That’s why the warrior Weather is facing to the left, with bent legs and his body leaning forward!
Stand by!
But, he also holds a scale in his left hand that balances on the edge of the razor!


Because in this way Lysippus wanted to show how quickly the opportunity passes and is lost (Parios knew something 😉).
Like the scales balancing for just a moment and then turning in a certain direction!

But the imagination of Lysippus is big and it has continuity, my friend…

It depicts the head of Keiros and describes that on the front there is rich long hair hanging in sheaves but the back is bald!

In this way, what does the poet want to say?

He means that you have to grab the opportunity by the hair at the right time while he is still next to you with the long hair.
If she overtakes you, you have no handle to catch her.

So to this day we say the phrase “grabbed the opportunity by the hair” which means that someone was lucky!
The circumstances were favourable to him at that particular time and he quickly succeeded!


How many times have you been lucky enough to make a quick and lightning-fast decision about something that came before you as an option?

You were awake?!

If you don’t believe in luck, fine, try it yourself, but if… I say if it comes through, don’t let it pass you by, brother!

Buy her a coffee! A kebab! A fondant!

Look into her eyes…
Whether it’s called… Work…

Whether it’s called… Career…

Whether it’s called… family…

Whatever you want! So many “females”!

Grab her by the hair!!!!

Good luck …. 😉


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