Give me a little… Mmmm!!!

I don’t want your mind to go to the naughty with the title “Do me a little…Mmmm!!! “

I don’t want your mind to go to the naughty with the title “Do me a little…Mmmm!!!! “

You crossed my threshold or called me.

– I need a haircut, you said… How much?

– The service package of shampooing, haircut, styling, costs “X” €

– What if I don’t shampoo and mould?


If you’ve made it across the threshold and you have me “face to face” you see “Live” the dilation of my pupil and the eyebrow that rises, does ⛸️ Double toupee, reaches neck and turns back into place.

You can see it all in front of you!


You’re focused, like it or not because I’m wearing the mask now and I can’t distract you with a smile! Curse!!!!

If you’re on the other end of the phone line, you’re listening, silence…

I inhale, exhale, meditate and vow together and remain calm.
But is that possible?!
It is, yes it is, if you ask me!!!

I’ll tell you things in detail so you understand what you’re asking me, sweetie!

First of all I have to explain that a very important part of haircutting is that the hair is properly washed and clean.
Very important!

But beyond the technical part, tell me…

How comfortable would you be touching the hair of a passerby who may have been exercising yesterday, who may have sweated but not washed and today before visiting you went to his work in the center of Athens?

You don’t have to answer… you don’t have to, I think you understand me.

And then, you don’t want a mold!!!!
No it is not possible!
Treat yourself to a few extra minutes of pampering!
Embrace your new self fully!
Look in the mirror and see your beautiful image!
I’m not holding you back!
I take care of you while I style your new haircut.
See how easily you can pamper yourself in your everyday life!

But the essence is elsewhere… it’s in the shampooing!

So I go back again to analyze it further…
Let me explain my side of it, because don’t think I enjoy washing you too.
Wet your hair thoroughly with water at the temperature of your choice.
I have already made a diagnosis and chosen the right shampoo for you.

Let’s go to the first hand, the cleaner.

I distribute the shampoo in your hair and start shampooing… a nice feeling you don’t often get!
It’s not the same when you wash yourself!
Nothing to do with it!
Feel… the blood circulating in your head… You feel it!
Ahhhhh nice! You felt a shiver and closed your eyes !!!

So far I’m winning 1-0 you know!!!!

I rinse off the first hand and we go from good to better.

Second hand, the relaxer!

I’m putting the shampoo in your hair again and we’re moving on to the second round just before the knockout!
My movements are a bit slower and more targeted.
I put pressure on the “g-spots” of your head and the hair stands up!
-Whoops! Are you saying in your heart… how am I going to get her home now?
Don’t tell me you didn’t think about it… Never mind, I eat too much!
You haven’t even thought to open your eyes!

And suddenly I hear a cowardly…

– Yes! Yes! Yes!!! Louder!!!!

That’s you!!!! Knockout!!!!

Give me a little “Mmmmmm”!!!
And you do me!!!!
– “Mmmmmm” How nice that is, you tell me!!!! Wow!!!!

And at this point I realize that you have melted!!!!

I almost feel sorry to rinse you and pick you up for a haircut… That “Mmmmmm” is what I want to hear!!!
This is the success of a good wash!!!! Bravo!!!!

You’re butter!

To the point where I bring you a contract to sign the 4 acres you have in Kumaromaskala, you sign it and tell me you’re a goody-goody!
So much!!!!

Did you see what you tried to lose?

The best part of the salon!
The most beautiful service!!!!
The most enjoyable!!!!

Give yourself such small moments of pleasure.
Give him little gifts like that!

You deserve it!!!!

#delandria #miselgroup


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