Find out if you’ve passed coronavirus….from your nails!


They say that your corona leaves some “blisters” even after you’ve been through it. One of these symptoms affects the nails on your hands and feet. You were asymptomatic and your nails are always painted… which is exactly why you didn’t realize that you might have gotten sick too. Paint your nails and observe them. If they have distinct, embossed, horizontal markings it means you are in recovery from coronavirus.

Many have reported that among other things, in addition to fever, dry cough, fatigue, loss of taste or smell, headaches, sore throat and more… they have seen their nails destroyed. Specifically recording the effects and changes they saw in their nails, the experts gave the interpretation justifying the problem that this is the Beau lines.

And what are these lines?

Beau lines can appear when a person is going through normal stress. The grooves usually appear on more than one nail. Dents occur when nail growth stops, from under the cuticle to the nail plate.

Usually, systemic adverse reactions cause strange nails, which explains why we see them in some patients who have undergone chemotherapy. Other causes of Beau’s lines include lack of blood flow to the fingers, nutrient deficiencies, metabolic issues and diseases that cause high fever.

According to the President of the British Association of Dermatologists, Dr. Tanya Bleiker, the grooves, are formed between 2.3 weeks after a severe flu, severe illness, infections and fever. I want to reassure you to let you know that, these lines are harmless and will subside once you are now well as your nails grow.


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