Fashion Week… With my own look


Fashion Week… With my perspective

For the first time in many years, I was at fashion week! It was held at Zappeion on 31/10/21 until 06/11/21 where it was completed.

This time, however, I didn’t take part in a fashion show or attend a show as a guest of Fashion Week. This time, I attended as a marketing consultant for KYANA, the professional hair products company.

Success when something plays out live… has another dynamic

I had the pleasure of attending almost all the shows! To get up close and personal with many designers and talk to people in the art world.

It was a great joy, because fashion week as we all know had stopped existing lately in the traditional way. Because of the covid, Fashion Week was only held via Internet. Of course it was something that had alarmed all of us in the field. The pulse and the feeling is completely different when there is a live audience watching and applauding.

Also success when something is played out live… has another dynamic.

The Zappeion is a traditional venue for fashion week because of its history and its capacity.

Fashion Week opened its doors on Sunday 31/10 with Afroditi Hera’s first show, followed by Giannetos’ menswear, followed by Kathy Heyndels and closed by Christina Zafeiriou.

KYANA a supporter of beauty and fashion

KYANA as a supporter of beauty and fashion welcomed the designers’ guests in the foyer. Afterwards, she gave them products from her product lines. She managed with her own touch to add a little more glamour to this event.

The month started in the best way! He found everyone very satisfied! Starting with the arrival of the guests and the positive comments that the designers’ creations received.

The teams of Freddy Kalobratsos and Diamantopoulos made the models even more beautiful!
So, they came out with huge confidence in the next shows which were the following:

Forel by Vassilis Zoulias, Desmira by Miraraki, Olga Karaververi, Valtadoros and Tassos Mitropoulos.

A number of famous guests honored the designer shows, but also photographed the KYANA banner together with the company’s president, Yannis Vassiliadis, who honored us with his presence coming from Thessaloniki.

The new designers

The penultimate day started, giving the young designers the opportunity to show their creations on the peristyle, followed immediately by Karamanea Fashion school, the young designers’ awards, Irene Angelopoulos and Juicy Couture, followed by Peace & Chaos and Bold by Angelique, which were a huge success.

The amazing team of AXDW and Tonia Fouseki, did everything to make everything go like clockwork. Even though there was a lot of fatigue and stress.

At this point I would like to point out how well the security measures for Covid were observed. At all entrances there were appropriate staff to check.

Another air from the old days…

What made me a little more happy is that while I saw beautiful, emerging models taking part, I also met models I was lucky enough to have worked with some years ago like:
Esther Mastrogianni, Olga Kypriotou, Anastasia Perraki (in the show of Vassilis Zoulias and Pericles Kondylatos), Stella Giamboura, Victoria Karydas and Manos Pantazis, Kostas Grekas, George Kavakakis, who gave a different “air” with their walking and their energy.

In closing, I will mention how important it is to support such “fashion festivals” in such difficult times! And I will reward KYANA as her decision was instant and vertical in her participation.

From me, congratulations to everyone and I look forward to the next ones!!!!

Important friends of the fashion industry attended and photographed at KYANA’s booth… indicative names… Naira Alexopoulou, Orestis Chang, Dionysis Pyromallis Pyromallis, Shaya Hansen, Elsa Toli, Tonia Fouseki… and many others!

Angela Euripides – Dimitris Kaklias

You can see more about it at on facebook or Instagram


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